What I Wore Wednesday:: Taste of Waialua Festival!

On Saturday, my friend, Dahlia and I went to the Taste of Waialua Festival on the North Shore. It's a market celebrating local foods and produce. It was fun to see and taste everything from soap (er, we didn't taste the soap, just sniffed it) to honey, coffee, chocolate and flowers grown and produced right here on the island. 

At one of the flower and fruit stands we stopped by, the guy behind the table was about thirty. As Dahlia was deciding which exotic fruit to buy, he complimented me on my rings. And then on my headband. And then he said "You know, you are one of the prettiest girls I've seen. Why don't you pick a flower?" 

He wasn't creepy about it. Didn't leer at me and lick his lips or anything. Just offered a kind compliment and a flower. So I chose the one above on the right. I don't know what it's called. But I like it.

Yum, fresh shave ice with natural mango juice. I love mango. Like, really love. 

Also, I really love Dahlia. I couldn't ask for a sweeter, more encouraging girl to kick it with. 

My outfit that day was pretty basic. Just a tank and shorts but I jazzed it up a bit with my rockin' muchloveilly headband. Um, I love the color coral. Did I tell you that already?? 

coral poppy headband:: {much love illy}
rings:: {charlotte russe}
bracelet:: { aloha swap meet}
tank:: {target}
denim cut offs:: {american eagle}
sandals:: {reef}

'Twas a fun day indeed!

Linkin' up with Lindsey's What I Wore Wednesday again! 


  1. Oh man, that flower is GORGEOUS! I lov seeingall the bright colors of the islands and following your experiences :D Everything is so vibrant!

  2. Looks like you had a good time and i agree coral is your color!!
    And yeesh about your negative comments I agree if you don't have anything constructive to say by all means keep it to yourself!

  3. Boy so sorry about the hurtful comments, I didn't read them but I have recently started following you and just love your creativity and inspirational art. What beautiful pics! So want to go to Hawaii again husband proposed there..Lovin the flower and orange!!!

    Win a $50 Gift Certificate to Trashy Vintage Here!

  4. Hmmm, I didn't see the negative comments so I scanned back to see what was going on.

    I think people were trying to tell you how they feel but they didn't word it in a constructive way. It made you feel like they were attacking you and for obvious reason you got defensive. I'm not sure if they really meant for it to come off as harsh as it did. I'm by no means standing up for them and mean anon commenters in general.

    But, at the same time I can see both sides. As a neutral party I can see how you were trying to share your goals and by selling paintings it's helping you by bringing in money and in turn you are able to afford to fly out to see the hubs. From their side I can see how they could be feeling guilty if they don't buy paintings, then you aren't able to see your husband.

    As for the comment that Katie Leigh left, I agree, it can be annoying to comment on blogs and not get any response, comment or email back in return, especially when you ask a question. I myself and trying to be better at this. I don't think using the word "greedy" was the right choice to get her point across though.

    That being said, deployments are hard and the military wife that though you were playing the military wife card so know that the last thing a spouse going through a deployment needs is negative harsh words. I don't think you were playing the military card at all. That's the truth, you are a military wife, and just like real life, we too have ups and downs, our good days and our bad days. That's what your blog is for, it should be an open place for you to share your feelings. Not everyone is going to like it all the time.

    I hope I did offend you, or any other people reading this. That's just my thoughts on the matter. I've had mean comments on my blog from time to time, so I can relate but I try to make the best out of comments, and honestly while these could have been worded better, I don't think they were as mean spirited as they seem at first glance.

    Hugs girl!

  5. Blog whatever you want, whenever you want, until your heart is content. This is your journal, your outlet, and your opportunity to let others get to know the gal behind the paintings. AND, for the record, I WOULD LOVE TO SUPPORT your trip ;-) I so want to go to that Farmer's Market. I also want that sunshine, send some here please :)

  6. S.E. Asia....anywhere I might be able to give you travel tips for??? :)

    Also, I love mango too and your pretty new pic! Makes me jealous I don't get to use my canon more often!

  7. oOo i soooo love the flowers pictures!!!

    yvonne from www.simplyvonne.blogspot.com

  8. Perfect day! You look so cute!

  9. yum! that shaved ice with mango sounds really good!! I love your tank color!

  10. Oh how fun! You look so cute! Happy Wednesday!

  11. lindsay you're outfit posts always make my day - i esp. love the jumping ones. and oh that headband is amazing - where ever did you find that, my dear? ;)

    lots of love to you!!!

  12. Adorable! I miss you and your coral outfits!

  13. You couldn't be cuter! And how lucky are you to get to go to a Farmer's Market like that. I'm totally jealous. Gorgeous things!

  14. Love the basic outfit! Especially since the headband jazzes it up :)

  15. Wow!! Your photos are GORGEOUS!!!! LOVE the colors and composition!!

  16. I could never, repeat, NEVER pull off wearing a headband like that. Which looks adorable on you by the way. You are too, too cute!!

  17. you are adorable and i am SO jealous of your location!

  18. You look darling! LOVE your Much Love, Illy headband!

    PS I just love all of your photos! You live in such a beautiful place!

    Sending goods thoughts your way today<33

  19. First time stopping by your blog from WIWW and I think you are just a doll! The photos are fabulous and headband is just perfect!

  20. Love the pic of you jumping, too cute! And I LOVE all those beautiful flowers, how awesome to be surrounded by such beauty where you live!

  21. you & your camera certainly are getting along well! your pictures are GORGEOUS! you're making me jealous of sunshine & flowers & tank tops.
    love you girl! keep being who God created you to be.

  22. I'm famous! Tehe :) That was such a FUN day! As is EVERY day I get to spend with YOU! I adore you and am so thankful for my beautiful, creative, inspiring, encouraging, fun, AWESOME friend who brightens my days. LOVE YOU!

  23. I have to say that coral is your color!! Wish I could pull off those adorable headbands!

  24. you are soo cute! i love that natural background for the much love illy headband shoot!! :) and mmm that mango shaved ice looks amazing!!

  25. What a sweetie to give you a pretty flower. You are pretty adorable. ;)

    I was reading through about the negative comments. Don't let them get you down. You are such a sweetheart.

  26. What a wonderful way to spend the day... Have a wonderful blogging day girlie :)


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