Weary & Burdened

Hi friends! How was your Monday? Mine was eh, let's say, less than stellar. I'm becoming more and more aware that my focus is not well, focused where it needs to be. Or rather, on Who it needs to be focused on.

It's so easy for me to get sucked into focusing in on how many blog comments I'm getting on my posts, the feedback I get on twitter on my new listings , or how many sales I've had this week.

 I get bogged down thinking about the unanswered emails sitting in my inbox, the items yet to be crossed off my to-do list and the ideas rolling around in my head that have yet to be realized. 

For some reason, I used to think that once I hit X number of followers on my blog or sales in my shop, that I'd be a pro. A pro at balancing life and blogging. A pro at not being afraid of failing. A pro at uh, organization. Yeaaaah, right. 

Thankfully, even though I try all too often, I don't have to shoulder it alone. My friend sent me an encouraging text yesterday that included this verse: 

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Matthew 11:28-30 

I think with Chris deployed, I have the tendency to think I can just power through and deal with the stress, the to-do lists. As a military wife, I'm told over and over again "Be strong.""You're so strong to do this all by yourself. "

But I'm realizing more that I can't. And I don't have to try. So this week, I'm going to make a greater effort to lay my burdens at His feet and turn to my Bible before I open my inbox, and focus on what my Jesus has to say about me, His child, rather than what the number of my sales or comments says about me. We'll see how that goes.

{Oh, I bought tickets to go visit Chris last night!! I leave two weeks from today for an exotic (secret, for now) location! Let's just say I am not looking forward to 20 hours of travel, but oh-so excited to smooch my sweet husband! Please pray that the ship's schedule stays the same, because it could change at any time, leaving me stranded. If you'd like to help support my trip, go purchase a painting [or two] from my shop!)


  1. You are beautiful friend. Inside & out. Excited you get to see your hubby, I can't imagine! Sending love your way friend!!!!! Xoxo

  2. Oh man, you are brave to be apart from your husband. Tell him thank you for honoring our country! Praying that you get to see him. :)

  3. Hang in there dear! As an military wife, or a regular wife, I think it's easy for all of us (I know it is for me!) to get caught up in the rush of life and get our eyes off-center. I liked what you said about opening your Bible before opening your inbox! Great reminder!

    Hope everything works out with you getting to see Chris.

    I hope your day is a beautifully blessed out!

  4. The honest posts are always the best ones :) Don't be too hard on yourself, just having Chris gone is more than most of us would like to juggle - but God knew you were up for this path and I think you're doing a great job!

  5. Enjoyed reading this post. Thanks for sharing!! I'm having a "me too" moment over here in the midwest with ya.

    Happy Tuesday!

  6. I know how you feel. I kept thinking that once I'd hit 500 followers I'd feel awesome. Except now all I can think of is 1000.

    Then I try to remind myself that it's more important to focus on the friendships I've made. Those are so much better!

  7. i think we all hit days like this. that verse your friend texted you, such a rich reminder.

    lots of hugs and love, friend. (meow)

  8. try to keep your head up dear, life likes to throw a lot of things your way just to see what you can handle. keep your faith in the man above and all will come thru in the end.

    sometimes you just need to take a "you" day. even with the millions of things on your to-do list - a YOU day is very important. no one will die or explode if you take some time for yourself.

    and you get to see your hubs soon... let that be your guide for the next couple weeks.

    have a wonderful day dear!

  9. Love your transparency! Don't be too hard on yourself, you're walking on new ground...follow the Good Shepherd.. Your words and your works of art bring glory to His Name!
    Praying right now!

  10. eeeeeeeeee!! i am soo happy for you that you bought tix to see chris!!! you will have such a good time together! i am soooooo happy for yoU!!! :)

  11. Hang in there sweetie. You're doing the right thing by focusing on what's REALLY important. Deep breaths! ;)

    So happy you get to go see Chris! I'll pray for his schedule to stay the same! Can't wait to hear where you're going.

  12. Thanks for the reminder for Who to turn to first when things get rough.

    Praying that you and Chris get a romantic rendezvous! :)

  13. Praying and keeping happy thoughts that everything turns out well for your trip to see your husband. I just know it will be great!

  14. If it's more commenting on your blog that you are looking for, maybe you should try to engage with the people that support your blog??!! I have stopped following you now because the comments are one-sided. It's like I'm talking to a brick wall.
    Maybe you shouldn't be so greedy, but try to focus on the people that support you - not how "many" comments you are receiving.

  15. I just wrote about this topic this morning.
    Keep pressing on and doing what God has for you.
    Be encouraged, my friend!

  16. Husband deployed, not quite at the point I thought I should be in my fill-in-the-blank (weight, running, online, friendships, etc.), and not having my focus in the right place: I have been there, girl. It is hard. But you seem to have the right idea (re-focus!) and look forward to the future (praying for that ship schedule! I TOTALLY know how that one works!)

  17. "turn to my Bible before I open my inbox"

    WOW. hi.. my name is Kacie and i am a dummie cause i open my inbox before i read and speak to my Jesus.

    thank you for writing this post.
    definitely a wonderful realization that i need to, yet again, re-prioritize!

  18. I often wonder how military wives do what they do. It's a high calling. One I can't say I would ever choose.
    I pray God fills you with hope and you continue to know His purpose.

    I am loving your pictures. It's the little glimpses of real life that bring smiles.

  19. Yeah, I know what you mean!!! Its kind of like the writer talks about in Ecclesiastes - no matter what my goal is here, it'll never be enough, because my real goal is to be above. Paraphrased, of course. ;) So while we can enjoy things here that God has blessed us with, our true satisfaction comes from a deeper focus on Him and conforming our lives to His will. Love your idea of opening your Bible before your inbox. :)

  20. Lindsay, I love your honesty! My sister is a military wife as well (w/2 little kids too) and I know how hard deployments can be on all military families.

    Yay for getting to go visit Chris! That's pretty exciting.

  21. Don't sweat it girl! You are doing great! Just try to work on some time management and scheduling yourself. I know that's something you wrote about before :) I think you'll find that if you schedule that time to hang out with God, paint, respond to comments, be on twitter and most of all do things for yourself, you'll feel less overwhelmed.

    Keep it up though! I love your blog, talking to you on Twitter and your shop!

  22. way to keep it real girlie... it is hard to do, but so encouraging. I think you do a great job with your blog of being a true light for our Lord and I am truly impressed with how your blog and etsy show seem to have flourished this past year.

    I know what you mean about focusing on numbers... been blogging 3 yrs now and I realize I am never going to hit super blog status, especially as just a mom blog with not real niche so to say... sometimes i find that so discouraging wondering what these other mom bloggers have that i don't. and sometimes i get in slumps where i don't blog for an entire week...and wonder if anyone even cares. but as I look back over old posts or think of friends i have met or reconnected with through the blog, i remember why and find encouragement.

    sorry your having a rough day... and sorry you negative feedback on a "keeping it real" post. I think your fabulous and your blog is fabulous... so keep it up girlie!!

  23. I can so relate! Except for me it's trying to find a balance between my full time job, my etsy shop, blogging, and my responsibilities and commitments as a wife and daughter of the King! I don't think anyone has it all figured out, but we can all try to improve! I'll definitely be praying everything works out with seeing Chris!! I can't wait to hear where you're meting! :)

  24. hmmm...I like getting to the heart of the matter blogs. THUS is why I haven't written a blog in over a week...I have been blah and don't want to deal with the lack of comments or the mean comments. YOU are a brave woman! I certainly like your saying...about opening up God's Word before opening up your inbox! So excited about you being able to see Chris! Thank you for your service (of being without your husband) to our country! Chris thanks for your service too! (My brother is in the Army...)

  25. Hi Lindsay- sorry to hear you had such a tough day yesterday. But the bad days, make the good days that much better. (At least that's what I always find anyway!) I've actually been following your blog for a while, I love hearing about your ups and downs- and how your faith pulls you through. We went to the same college, although I was a year behind you, and through facebook I clicked on your blog link and you have been a constant source of inspiration to me. Your faith, relationship and overall positive spirit are amazing- keep it up :)

  26. Oh Lindsay, I am so happy that your going to see Chris soon, how exciting! I think having that opportunity is going to be great for you. You work so hard and deserve to take a step back for yourself. I love reading your posts, your honesty and openness is inspiring, I only wish I could do the same! Your such a wonderful person and a friend I hold close to my heart...love you!

  27. Love your sweet transparency! As hard as it is to have down days, those are the ones that are usually the most productive in helping us get to where we most need to be ~ closer to Jesus :)

    Just recently started following your blog and so glad that I am!

  28. thanks for writing this, lindsay. it means a lot to small time bloggers like me.

  29. encouraging words... and better yet, from the best ENCOURAGER ever :) Amen!

  30. I'm so glad you get to go see Chris! Enjoy yourself. Don't get bogged down with trying to be perfect. Your readers love you for YOU, and it's SO refreshing to hear someone admit they struggle with the day-to-day stuff, because we ALL do.

  31. praying for you to let Him be your potion, lady! isn't humility one of the sweetest places to find yourself?

    Lam. 3:24

  32. Thank you for these refreshing words that we all need! Praying you get to see your husband!

  33. As a military wife, I HATE when other wives play the military wife card. I remember seeing a tweet when you were traveling somewhere about playing the "my husband is deployed" thing to try to get a free upgrade to first class. I don't think you should use the "poor me, my husband is deployed and I want to go see him" to get more sales in your shop.

    My husband is deployed and I know it's terrible but using a deployment to promote your etsy shop is the worst.

  34. Um, Anon, you can back off.

    Seriously, was that necessary?

    First off, you could have sent that as a private message. Second, if you really feel that way, don't hide behind the "anonymous" identity and say it yourself. If you were posting that to get an apology, how is Lindsay supposed to contact you? (She owes you nothing, by the way, you were very cowardly in your approach and YOU owe her an apology).

    And just because you are an army wife yourself does not mean that you could dish out your OPINION that way, not everyone copes the way you do, this is Lindsay's way of getting that emotional and spiritual support that she needs.

    Get a journal and rant there or something. Better yet, get a life.

  35. (I don't see it as playing your card - just sharing your life. Ignore the negative nellies.)
    Great post!

  36. P.S. I totally enjoy it when Lindsay shares the truth about her life, it encourages me.

    Ok, I'm done.

  37. His burden is LIGHT and he DELIGHTS to take our burdens. what a wonderful savior!

    So sorry that you've got some haters up there. SO lame. Just know they're in a really low place and you've got your Jesus and SO MUCH SUPPORT. Win.

  38. To all the negative nellies:

    I would like to point out that Lindsay is indeed one of the NICEST bloggers I have ever 'met.' Her sincerity, genuine spirit, and big heart are the reasons I follow her blog. She has never left me hanging - not as a commenter on her posts nor as a customer.

    And Anonymous - hatred never solved any problems or broke down any walls. If you question her character, you should have contacted her privately instead of bullying her publicly. Way to be a grown-up. Maybe you need a little more support as a military wife, that way you won't be so bitter and hateful.

    Love ya Lindsay!! Keep doing what you do best! :)

  39. 1) What's the point of having an Anon option if you aren't supposed to use it?

    2) It's a place for comments/thoughts/opinions so I gave mine.

    3) Didn't have a problem with the post itself. It was just the shameless plug.

  40. Linds-

    First and foremost...I like you and your fun posts! I've always felt a friendship with you from the moment I found your blog. I'm elated you get to do what you love and share your passion with the rest of the world.

    I guess people are just trying to say it's more honorable or relatable {for the lack of more eloquent or better words} when you don't constantly fish for sales/comments and/or complain when you don't get them. I think everybody wants comments/sales or our blogs wouldn't have buttons/blog shares/comment forms/"follow me" options etc.

    Anyhoo...that's my humble opinion. : )

  41. Love your honesty...I'm definitely guilty of losing my focus and not always keeping Him first and foremost. And finding balance in life/work is TOUGH.

    hope everything works out for you to see your hubby soon!

  42. Lindsay, I will be praying that God provides the funds for you to make it to see your husband. I understand financial burden. I'm losing my job in June, my husband doesn't have a job yet. But the God we serve is so faithful. I only mention this to encourage you, not as a boast in any means. We recently weren't able to pay our taxes (my employer and I both misunderstood how the taxes were supposed to work), I thought I had paid them all throughout the year in estimated taxes. We ended up owing DOUBLE what we thought we did. We didn't have the other half of the money. We just prayed about it. My employer provided a large chunk. We were left with $400 we still owed. We couldn't pay it. We honestly didn't have the money to do so. We mentioned that we were having financial difficulties at a prayer meeting. God laid it on one couple's heart to give us a $400 check. How awesome is our God??? So faithful!!! Don't forget to pray big!!! He is our provider, not our businesses, employers, etc. Be encouraged friend!

  43. I can definitely relate. So many times I find myself focusing on blog statistics and neglecting my real life.

    I'm glad you were able to get tickets to go see Chris! Hopefully his schedule will stay the same!

  44. Oh, Matt. 11:28, one of my all time FAVORITE verses - it has gotten me through so much. Lean on your Saviour and ignore the negativity. Wonderful that you will get to see your husband soon!

  45. Yeah for time with Chris! Praying for better days filled with love, laughter, paint, and waves!

  46. Deployments are hard no matter how you look at them. I haven't even heard my husband's voice since he left in November. You must be crazy excited for booking your ticket! AWESOME! I love your honesty and am sorry about the negative comments! You seem so sweet and nice.

    Like others have said, we all need direction back sometimes to where we need to be focused. Easter alone must not have helped either :(

    Chin up- seeing Chris will definitely help get you out of the funk you feel like you're in.

  47. Deployments are hard, but you're a lucky one to get to break it up with a fun trip to see him. I hope it all works out for you. So glad to see you've been able to keep yourself busy with him away. I know it makes the days go by faster!

    Glad to see you're trying to re-focus. It's very easy to get caught up in blogging/tweeting/emailing and forget to "smell the roses" :) It's all about learning your limits. If you're working yourself to the bone, maybe after x number of custom paintings treat yourself to an afternoon off and some frozen yogurt on the beach or something. You'll work it out! :)


  48. I completely understand how you feel! I can't tell you how many times it's raced through my mind that I HAVE to get one more blog post done or one more e-mail replied to before I can do anything else. I can't even imagine the stress of running your own shop on top of that! Whew. And also being a military wife, I get how much harder it can be when your best friend and strength isn't there to help you through things. I know you've probably heard it a million times already, but keep your head up! It definitely seems like you're headed in the right direction. :D

  49. I can't even imagine how hard it must be to have your husband deployed. My hubby is a firefighter, and is gone 2 - 4 days at a time (occasionally a few weeks) and it always feels so long. Hang in there, friend. So glad you get to see Chris soon!


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