::giveaway closed:: Introducing :: 'Olelo Paintings aaand a giveaway!

Here we are, my friends, at the end of my two year blogiversary celebration! I really hope you've enjoyed all the giveaways this week! They've been a really fun way for me to show my appreciation and love for all of you!

Remember, they all close on Sunday night and I will be announcing the winners probably on Tuesday so I can put together a special presentation of the lucky winners.

Here are the four giveaways from this week, in case you still need to go put your name in the hat!

{Tropical Spa Goodies package}

{Retro Hawaii map from Everything is Jake}

{Girl's Night Out package}

{Day at the Beach package}

And today, I am super excited to introduce a new line of paintings to you! Here they are, my 'olelo paintings!

The word 'olelo is the Hawaiian word for (as you can see above) language, speech, word, quotation, statement, etc.  I spent a long time trying to decide what to name this particular line and had the hardest time deciding on the right name. 'Olelo is perfect because not only does it reflect the textual nature of the paintings, but the colors were inspired by the vibrant colors I see in Hawaii. 

In fact, the four colors below are signature colors for this particular line of paintings. They are: 

Pretty, pretty, right? :) 

(For some reason, the 'Aloha' one shows up super orange in the above pictures but it is in 'mango' just like 'hello')

I will be bringing out new words & phrases over the next few weeks and I may introduce new colors in the future, so stay tuned. These five paintings are in shop right now, so hop over and snag one while you can! 

And for the final blogiversary giveaway this week, one of you gets to win a customized 'olelo painting in your choice of one of the four signature colors, with any word or short phrase you'd like! 

We're gonna keep this one simple. Make sure you are a follower of Aisle to Aloha (click the follow button on the right side bar) and leave a comment telling me your favorite word. 

Wanna hear my favorite word{s}?

My favorite English word is "scintillating". I love the way it rolls off my tongue and the meaning is beautiful-- "sparkling, shining bright, brilliant". 

My favorite word in Spanish (did you know I was a Spanish major in college??) is refunfuñar. It means "to grumble" and it is SO fun to say. It's especially fun to say "he grumbled" -- refunfuñaba. :) hehe. 

Ok, so what's your favorite word?? And don't you love these new paintings?? I do. 


  1. I am not sure of a favorite word, but my word for 2011 is "gentleness" so I would probably go that route. I love your work!!!

  2. I love your paintings- I can't believe how clean the lines are on the words- they are perfect and beautiful.
    I think my favorite word right now is de-clutter- because it is what I have to do with my house!

  3. My favorite word is always changing! But, right now I am loving the word "simple." Just keep life simple!!

  4. The new prints are AMAZING!! I'm loving the colors! So bright, they just POP! One of my favorite words is "organic" I think the word speaks for itself. Happy Friday!

  5. The new paintings are BEAUTIFUL, girl! You are so talented. One of my favorite words is "unique"... Everyone is unique in their own special way. :)

    Thanks for hosting another giveaway! I'm off to go enter the other 4! :)

    ~Emily N.

  6. love the new line... i would go with sparkle right now... that encompasses so much of my life currently! (a four year old daughter...)

  7. love this new line, Lindsay! My favorite word is LOVE :)

  8. The new line looks awesome! so cheerful:)

    my favorite word is 'delicious' - you can use it to describe so many different things & situations!

  9. These are wonderful, what a clever idea! It's hard to pick a favorite word...I'm kind of a wordologist...lol

  10. I love the paintings! I'm a follower and my favorite word is "rhapsody": an exotic expression of feeling or enthusiasm. =) And it reminds me of Queen, and I love them.

  11. My word would be: Faith. Without it, we would be nowhere. And to get where we are going in our lives, we are trusting in it wholeheartedly.


  12. Loving the new paintings! and the colors are awesome! My fave word is spunky! Luv it!

  13. My favorite word is probably "heh".

    It's more a laugh-ish, but I really like it. So cuteee.

  14. You came up with the perfect word for your new line. Can't wait to hear you say it! My fav word these days is Truth.

  15. this such a beautiful line! i want them all :)

    but my favorite word right now would be love

  16. Love them! And love words! As I embrace the Boston culture, I'm becoming a fan of the word 'wicked' as in "this new line of paintings is wicked cool!"

  17. Okay I'm weird... I love the word 'onomatopoeia'. It means any word that imitates the sound it represents. I remember learning about it in 7th grade English and I just love saying it.

    Anyway, these new paintings are amazing!

  18. You continue to amaze me Lindsay! Love this new line! I can't wait to see all the fun words that you'll get to paint.

    My word of 2011 is Faith so that's probably what I would get on there, although there's so many to choose from!

  19. totally buying one of these whether I win or not! Joy would be my word!

  20. awesome, awesome, awesome!! you are so talented. :) as for my word, i think i'd go with photog. while it's not my FAVE word, i do like it. (is it even a word?!)

  21. Obsessed with the colors! Off the top of my head, I love the word laugh, because it's something i try to do as often as possible :)

  22. LOVE this new line Lindsay. These are really beautiful. I don't really know that I have a favorite word but "Home" does come to mind. I love what it means, family, comfort, safety ect. I do love being home with my little family.


  23. OH my goodness, these are my favorite of all your paintings! Love Them!!!

    When I was in Hawaii, I fell in love with the word "Mahalo" because it was everywhere!!! My favorite was when we were at a McDonald's and it was on the "exit" sign in the parking lot. I think we have a picture of that somewhere. :) My husband and I say it all the time now.

    I'm a follower! :)

  24. Good morning dearie!

    Lawdy, lawdy, I love the new line! The colors are so cheery & fun!! My favorite word in Spanish is cucaracha and that's only because it is fun to say! :) I don't really like cockroaches. In English, one of my favorite words is 'beloved.' Or cherish.

    I am a follower of your blog!

  25. Love the new line! I'm a follower! Good luck everyone!!!

  26. I'm a follower and I think my all-time favorite word is PURE. It probably helps that it's also the meaning of my name.

  27. Loving the new line, the colors are amazing!!! I think I would have to go with Honor or Courage!

  28. My favorite word is Vacation or Maui for the best anniversary surprise trip ever! Can't wait to go back someday.


  29. my favorite word is history..because my husband is a history major, and everything that happens daily is well history and you can choose to learn from it, or not. But if I win I would get my daughter the word beautiful on plumeria b/c she has 3 brothers and we are working on getting her, her own room. ( She currently shares with her oldest brother, they have shared it since he was born 20 mionths after her)

  30. Oooh- I say 'dude' more than anything most likely, but that'd be silly, right? ;)

  31. These are ADORABLE! I never knew the word refufuñar but it is fun to say. I can't pick a fave but one of the top runners would probably be RELAX. It's a nice reminder for me when things get stressful and busy to slow down and enjoy life. In Spanish, it would be CUTRE just because there are so many uses for the word and there's no good translation in English!

  32. Love the new paintings. I'm a follower. My favorite word is probably Bonjour! I just love the cheerful sound it has and it makes me want to smile when I say it. Also, we had the best time when we went to Paris and ate pastries every morning at a nearby local bakery. The old lady that worked there was so sweet. I think French is such a beautiful language!


  33. Zapatos is one of my favorite words! I love to say it with a lot of flair, even if it only means shoes... :)

  34. oh i am so in love.

    these days my favorite word is fantabulous. or chocolate. yes, i LOVE the word chocolate.

  35. Lindsay, I love your new line of paintings! You have such inspiring creativity!

    My favorite word is: love
    I know it's a simple & common word, but it has such great meaning!

  36. Congrats on the new line! I don't know if it's my favorite, but I do love the word "affable"...makes me feel like I'm in a Jane Austen novel. :)

  37. I'm not sure what my favorite word is but I love the painting of Aloha. It makes me think of my family's vacation to Hawaii and what a wonderful time we had there. I really hope we can go back sometime, it looks like you have such a fun time living there :)

  38. Lindsay, your new line is so wonderful! My favorite word is suitcase - a case for your suit, it just makes so much sense and I love to travel :) Again, great new paintings!


  39. You're a genius! I love the name of the new paintings, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the way you displayed them in these pictures. SO COOL, LINDSAY! I'm too hyped up on caffeine right now to think of a favorite word of mine, so you can disqualify me from the contest. haha

  40. Favorite word you ask? I would have to say "Bliss".

  41. These new paintings are BEAUTIFUL! I love the colors :) I think one of my favorite words would have to be Faith. I really like Love though, too!

  42. I'm a follower, and I have lots of favorite words! For this one, I'd probably ask for ... Giggle. Or bliss. Or quack. I'd have to think about it :) Good luck, and I love these little paintings!

  43. Love this, Lindsay! You're so talented. :)

    Favorite word...hmmm. I'm kind of "known" for being a word nerd, but it's hard to choose a favorite. I just love words!

  44. I love the word "ornery" because it's so fitting sometimes, and as I learned when I lived in Australia, it's actually an American-English word so it's not present in any other country but here! Hence why they thought I was crazy and making up words when I said it ha.

  45. My favorite word is Possibilities. I am just about to finish my first year of owning my own photography business and it fits perfectly! I LOVE your new paintings!

  46. my favorite word is "selvfølgelig" pronounced "sou-ffa-lee" meaning "of course" in Danish. It was one of the first words I learned when living in Denmark, and I thought it was so beautiful - although hard to spell...
    Love the new paintings!

  47. Im embarrassed to admit my favorite word is, "discombobulated"... Hahahaha! It describes me perfectly and growing up we all laughed about it. But runner up favorite word is cozy!! Everything has to be cozy! These are so cute!!!

  48. 'Olelo is perfect for this line! Your colors are so cheery! I've been learning 'Olelo Hawai'i since my visit so your choice makes me extra happy. :)

    My favorite word is inspire.

  49. I'm amazed and inspired, like with everything you do. My favorite word is Beloved because it is an adjective and also a command: Be Loved.

  50. Ooh, I love these! I really like the one that says "goodnight" and I think one with "dream" or "daydream" on it would be cute too :)

  51. I love these! I'd choose the word 'blessed'!

  52. Looks fantastic dear friend!! Ohhhhh....and per our conversation last night...I'd love to "enter." :) You hooked me in with the "word" question too. I'm a sucker for words.

    Spanish--"equipaje" hands down...not sure why, but always loved that word for luggage. Strange, right?

    English--"uncanny" :) :) :)

  53. these are super cute! i love the whole line <3

    my fave word..... this sounds so cheesy, but my daughter's name "amelia" is just the prettiest thing to say, especially with a southern drawl added on ;}

  54. One of my fave words is aloha!
    As I writer I always come back to "germane" or "be-bop." fun to say.

  55. These are soo cute!
    I'm a GFC follower and my favorite word is giggle :)

  56. YAY I just found you thanks to Katie w/ J&K =) I'm now a follower.

    My absolute favorite word to say..though I have a few, is pestiferous - meaning annoying, a pest. I love using it and having people scratch their heads.

    Oh and I've been going back and forth from Oahu and CA for the past 8 months. My boyfriend's in the Navy and got orders there as well last summer. It's such an ugly place isn't it? ;)

  57. i love this new line! i love words and would love to have all of these decorating my walls! my favorite word is definitely peace.

  58. My favorite word would have to be inspire. To inspire others or to find inspiration in others. :D


  59. Love them! My favorite word is 'cute' and I use it all the time. I think I need to buy a thesaurus.

  60. Love the new paintings! :)

    I'd have to say my favorite word is "awesome." I say it all the time!

  61. I'm a follower! And my favorite word would have to be squishy. Weird, right? And I totally wouldn't get that word on one of these if I won! I would probably get j+s=h instead! :)

  62. humuhumunukunukuapuaa

    Who doesn't love saying it? :P

  63. First, I LOVE LOVE LOVE this new line of paintings, so sweet and simple!! Second..my favorite word, hmm...I guess it's more of an initial thing.."LUAAF" (Love u always and forever). This is something my hubby and I have been signing letters with for as long as I can remember. It was put together after we danced to "our song," Always and Forever by, Luther Vandros. Such a special little meaning for us!! XOXO

  64. Love things with words on them! They are a great source for a creative hight. :) My favorite word is 'paciencia'. :)

  65. Hmm, I don't really have a favorite word! I like the idea of putting my word of the year on it, though. Mine is "brave".

  66. Hmmm.... favorite word? I don't think I know. But I really like the I love you canvas.

  67. LOVE these prints and the colors!
    Hmm...favorite word...that's a hard one...I like the word "ergo" and it's so funny to use in an informal setting!

  68. Ooh! This is a toughie! I think 'cupcake' is the *cutest* word on the planet! It's just adorable. 'Lazily' is a great adverb & it looks gorgeous when written in script.

  69. I love your blog!!! And I love the E Komo Mai sign!! My mom grew up in Hawaii, and thats where we were married!! So we absolutely love that saying :o) I am in love with your blog and happy to now be following you!!

  70. Very cute! I really have no idea what my favorite word is, but I'll go with love, cheesy, corny, but true :)


  71. Oh very cute; I was wondering what "olelo" was when you mentioned your new paintings on twitter. These are adorable!

    My favorite word ... Chester? Is it okay to choose a name? :)

    I follow!

    mkht22 {{at}} gmail {{dot}} com

  72. love these Lindsay! they are so cute, and fun!
    I know it's cheese but I think my favorite word is love--it's what it all comes down to!



  73. ahh lindsay these are so colourful and happy!!!

    My favourite word right now is "sunshine", mainly because after a looong cold winter the sunshine is finally coming out and making everyone so happy and cheery! sounds really cheesy, im such a dork :o)

  74. these are so beautiful! I'm a new follower by the way! I think my favorite right now is 'rejoice.' By the way, I'm also an east-coast girl, living in Hawaii! :)

  75. Love your color choices for this new line! They look great!

    My favorite word to use is definitely "crusty". I mean you could describe a million things as crusty like the dishwasher when it hasn't been run in a while, your hair when it needs to be washed. Its multipurpose!

    I also really love the word "joy" because that's one thing I always want to have in my life.


  76. I think I would like to have a painting of my shop/blog name - Emerging Em. I also like the "I love you" one too! :)

  77. My favorite word right now? Appreciation. I'm so grateful for the wonderful things in my life, and don't think of them as often as I should.

  78. New paintings = uber cute. I love the colors!

    I think my favorite word to say is discombobulated. It's so fun to say, and it's often how I feel, but somehow saying it makes me feel better.

  79. i love these new paintings! they are super cute! my favorite word is Love!! I "love" to use it all the time!!


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