Color Wheel: Fantabulous Coral

Happy Monday, friends! I am starting the week with a fun day-- getting my hair trimmed, eating at my very faaaavorite restaurant here on the island (Crepes No Ka Oi... my mouth waters just thinking about it) and some good chatting time with two sweet girl friends. Then down to business with working on some custom orders and packing for Creative Estates! What's your week look like? 

Thought I'd start out the week with some happy color inspiration. I'm obsessed with this color this spring. Pretty much, it's the bomb-diggity. Check out these lovely coral finds and be inspired today. 

1. shovel and spade dress {spool 72}:: I love pretty much anything on Spool 72's site. In fact, that's where I got my home coming dress from last year, didja know that?

2. stripey mug {anthropologie}:: I would be happy waking up at any hour if I could drink my coffee from this mug. (Who am I kidding? I don't drink coffee... so, my OJ then.)

3. embroidered necklace {merriweather council on etsy} My new favorite Etsy shop. Seriously, love everything this girl makes. You can't not smile when you stop by her shop.

4. coral sunrise vintage style frame {nicolesuder on etsy} Another happy shop. I love all these frames and would plaster my walls with them if I had the moolah.

5. modern pearl rosette necklace {allorahandmade} Jess's rosettes rock my world.

6. 1960s tunic {ande monster on etsy} isn't this dress darling? I am loving that eyelet detailing!

7. daisy toss slip-on sneakers {urban outfitters} cute kicks. 'nuff said.

What's your favorite color lately?

PS. I picked the giveaway winners last night! :) Will be announcing them here tomorrow-- can't wait!!


  1. Love of Coral must be genetic, your gramma's fav color too!
    Sounds like an awesome week, kicking off with berries & cream crepe huh?! yum

  2. That frame and those shoes are now on my wishlist!

  3. Pretty finds! I'm not a fan of orange, but I've found that I really love the softer shades of coral. :)

  4. Love the coral!!!
    My favorite is the frame!

  5. AHHHH.... I love this. In fact I already shopped your etsy favorites a few weeks ago & added #4 to my list. AND I bought myself #5 for my bday. I do so love Jess's rosies!

  6. I am loving this color right now!! It makes me want a fruity drink and a good read!! :)

  7. Love the coral inspiration! I am crushin on Orange lately. All different shades of it.

  8. Coral is definitely my favorite spring color! I love that necklace, I'm going to have to check out her Etsy shop now!

  9. Beautiful color!<3 I love it. :]

  10. i know where all the silver pendants that my supplier had went! haha

  11. My friend's LOVE that place. They're always going there and posting pictures of their crepes.

    I wish I looked good in coral. I look horrible. Definitely not in my color pallet. I love all things green but wish I'd branch out. I'm too blah with my choices.

    Love that style of dress though!

  12. Coral is such a lovely color! I love, love that frame. I wish my mirror's frame was coral instead of black. :)

  13. Love this color! It makes me excited for summer :) I like all the things you picked out - and I especially wish I had ordered a necklace from Allora Handmade before she closed up shop. One of my newest colors that I *love* is aqua. So pretty!

  14. cuteeeee color!! love that dress and that frame!!!!

  15. I love coral too! My boyfriend bought me SUCH a pretty coral dress a few weeks ago to cheer me up, I havent had anywhere nice to wear it yet though!

    you have some good picks!

  16. Gorgeous color! Seems so much like a spring/summer color.


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