Plumeria, Ghost Ships and Gratitude.

 The evening I bought my new camera last week, I went out for a walk around the neighborhood near sunset. The light was beautiful and it was so peaceful to just meander with my thoughts and my camera.

I love the many different varieties of plumeria within 1/4 mile of each other. Each so beautiful, they look like God took a paintbrush to each petal. And boy, I wish I had a smell-omatic app on my blog because the scent of these beautiful blossoms is heavenly.

Love this shot of my neighbor's old Chevy truck. Linking up to Sweet Shot Tuesday

Sweet Shot Day

We live across the street from one of the fingers of Pearl Harbor. The ship graveyard is home to decommissioned ships and the shape of their silhouettes are eerily peaceful against the mountains. 

I love taking pictures. Mmhmm.

Sooo...I hit 100 sales yesterday! (And 101 sales!) I'm still in disbelief. It was only a few months ago that I made the goal to have 50 sales before June. Um, wow. Was not expecting to hit 100 sales in such a short time.
When I opened shop in September, I had no idea what to expect. I certainly didn't expect for my shop to become a full time job. I didn't expect to find true, real life friends in this community of bloggers and shop owners. I didn't expect that this job would keep me insanely busy while my husband was deployed. I didn't expect to fly to Arizona for a blogger and creative business conference and to play footsie with some of my blogger/real life friends... er, what?? 

Anyways, I'm grateful. Ephesians 3:20 speaks about our God who "... is able to do immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine..." I know that God. He works in big ways. And He works in small ways. And 100 sales may seem like nothing compared to the shops that have thousands under their belt. But it's big to me and I've gotta say that He deserves all the credit.   

And I'm grateful for you guys too! Thanks to your awesome shopping habits, I was able to pay my way to Creative Estates AND buy my dream camera. Awesome, huh? THANK YOU. And now, I've got another goal. You ready to help me with this one too?? 

I am praying. and hoping. and mostly praying. for the chance to go see Chris next month. I can't say where just yet but I will tell you that it's a beautiful, exotic country with lots of yummy food and it's on my list of places I want to visit. Plus, Chris will be there. Hopefully. Military schedules can change at the drop of a hat, so I'm trying not to get my hopes up. 

But I'd love to be able to pay for at least some of my trip. So, feel free to buy up lots of paintings for your home, your friend's homes, your boss' home... whatever. And know that you're helping this girl go visit the love of her life. In a really cool place that I really want to tell you but I can't because the military says so. 

Whew. That's alot of words. Thanks for reading. Or just for looking at the pretty pictures if that's all you did. ;) 


  1. Heading over to your Etsy shop right now. You need to be with your hubby! :)


  2. I keep saying this, but you are such a PRO with that camera! Your photography is turning out so beautifully - great job, hun! I'm currently reading Ephesians, too! Just read 3-4 today. Such good stuff.

  3. Your pictures are spectacular! Just like Moriah said - a pro with it already! I'm so jealous that you are such a natural! Ha! :-) I hope you gets lots of sales so you can spend time with your hubby. That verse is something that I need right now, so thank you!

  4. As soon as I get paid on Wednesday, you can expect a purchase from me. :) You are such an inspiration to someone like me who is just tentatively starting to venture into the world of Etsy shops and consistent, meaningful blogging. The prospect of 100 sales is huge to me, and I hope that someday soon, I can celebrate that milestone, too. If you have any tips, I would love to hear them. :)

    Your photography is gorgeous, your shop makes me smile, and I feel very blessed to have stumbled upon your blog a couple of days ago. I check it every morning, and there's always something here that brightens my day. It's funny how God pushes us towards the right things at the right time. Your blog and your shop were definitely those right things, and this week has been the right time. So thank you, and I'm praying that everything works out and that you get to go see your hubby next month.


  5. I wish you had a smell-o-matic app too! I definitely miss the smells of Hawaii.

  6. danggg girl!! you are a PRO with that camera foreals!!! i need to learn tips from you, help me please! i wish i could smell those flowers too!!

  7. Very awesome pictures! It's like we were there with you! I hope things come together so you can visit your hubs!

  8. very lively photos.. i love them all!

    visiting you from SST!

  9. Gorgeous photos! My husband and I were married on Maui so the Islands have a special place in my heart. Also, I just visited your shop and I love your Click Click cutie! My birthday is coming up, I think I'll hint around...

    Thank you for visiting my site today!

  10. Well, you wasted zero time in becoming very familiar with your camera...gorgeous photos! yes, I do wish you had the smell-omatic!

  11. I have a few bridal showers coming up! I will totally keep your shop in mind. You are an inspiration to small shops just starting out like myself. I know that it is possible and that I need to just keep plugging away! Thank you and of course congrats on 100 sales!!!

  12. Congrats on achieving and surpassing your goals! I hope to, very soon, be counted in one of those sales! I keep my eye on your paintings and have a little wish list! :)

  13. This is so sweet!! I love my waves, and I'll be buying much more so you can see your hubby!! :)


  14. Gorgeous photos. Hope you get to see your husband next month.

  15. Congrats on your 100 sales!!! I just recently hit 100 too (although mine are spread out over my 3 shops) and it is such a great feeling! I used my profits to buy my dream camera too, but I am still learning how to use it, haha :) I am so thankful for God's blessings, and also trying not to get so distracted in the busy-ness of life to focus on what is truly important. :) Congrats again! :)

  16. Congrats on hitting 100 sales!! That is awesome!! Your photos are just gorgeous! The shot of the old chevy truck is awesome!! LOVE!!

  17. yay for the 100 sales - you rock, woman!!!

    and these pictures are too stunning. you have a good eye and can't wait to see more!

    btw, quack, quack = love you!

  18. I can't imagine living so close to Pearl Harbor... going there was something important to my grandpa before he died. I remember when he and my dad finally went together it was such an important trip. I definitely want to get out there sometime soon.

    And yay for 100 sales, you are amazing!

  19. Lindsey,

    I found your blog after blog hopping from Melissa's Barricks blog. I've become one of the blogs, I love to read and look for posts from. I must say you are one creative lady, your paintings are way cute and your off to a fantastic start with your photography!

    Please feel free to jump over to my blog and follow me!

  20. Congrats girl on 100 {actually 101 ;)} sales!! You are so talented, so I am not exactly shocked! ;)
    I hope you get to see Chris soon and PS I totally wish there was a smell app on this blog of yours!! Those flowers look as though they smell heavenly!!! xoxo

  21. I really like the shot of the old Chevy, great angle. My favorite though is the fifth photo, I don't know what plant it is but the light is just gorgeous, a lovely photo.

  22. Those pictures are great! Now I really want to go to Hawaii... and maybe because I saw Soul Surfer this weekend.

  23. CONGRATS on reaching 100 sales! That's phenomenal girl!

    I hope and pray that you get to visit Chris next month. I know it would mean the world to the both of you!

  24. Love your pictures. You're a natural with it. I hope you get to visit him too. How great that would be!

  25. 1) Those pics are amazing.

    2) The idea of God taking a paintbrush to a petal is soooo poetic and might be a phrase I have to steal.

    3) Are those paper beads on your flip flops??

  26. Gorgeous pics! You should check out my 30 days of spring photo challenge.

  27. So beautiful! You're so good with your camera. It already looks professional!

    I'm so happy that your business is working for you and allowing you to do something you love every day! Keep it up!

  28. ohmygoodness i'm in love with that truck shot! you are already a great photog, linsday!!
    and congrats on the 100 sales! so exciting.


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