Aloha From a Sponsor: K. Davis Creates

 Today's sponsor is a friend who is beautiful, inside and out. And her bright and colorful blog (Celebrate Life) and shop (K. Davis Creates) reflect that! Karen creates sweet fabric creations with delightful color combinations. While her shop is filled with colorful goodies, her blog is filled with gorgeous, bright photography. She and her husband live in Korea and are excitedly going through the process of an adoption!

I shot some questions her way and Karen was fabulous to share a little bit about herself.

Aloha Karen! What are three {random} things that Aisle to Aloha readers should know about the woman behind the blog and shop?

-I was sprayed by a skunk when I was 9 (while visiting my grandparents farm, in Canada, for a summer)... yes, bathing in tomato juice certainly does the trick... my husband can't smell the difference!

-I LOVE coffee and peanut butter... not together (although that might be an interesting combo to try somehow)... those are my two staples in my EVERYDAY... even when I travel, I travel with a tub of peanut butter and instant coffee packets.  Always want to be prepared for the worst.

- I have over 23 stamps in my passport... for those that don't understand "travel speak" that means I've visited over 23 different countries in the last 5 years that I've had my passport (and I didn't include the US)... like to travel much? why yes, yes I do.  I'd LOVE to have my own travel show like "Rick Steves" one day... doesn't "Karen Davis" have a ring to it? Oh, and I'm about to add another stamp in my passport within the next month! You have to visit my blog to figure out where....

Living in Korea, I imagine you see a lot of strange eats! What's the strangest food you've tried?

The strangest thing I've ever tried in Korea:  There are a TON of things I want to try here in Korea still... have another 1.5 years to do it (like eating a cut up live octopus), but right now, I'd have to say dried squid.  You know how we as Americans munch on a bag of chips, or some popcorn as our "go to " snack... in Korea, it's bags of dried squid! Lets just say, I'll stick with the bag of chips.

Do you have any advice for people thinking about starting a handmade business?

One piece of advice- Like Nike says, "JUST DO IT"... there's no better time like the present to commit to a handmade shop... I was on the fence for awhile whether or not I should start up shop ( as photography is my primary focus), but just "digging" right in, was the best thing I could have done... it's such a wonderful community to be a part of (buying and selling), that sometimes I regret not starting sooner.  And I also suggest that you create what you LOVE to create. You're going to be making A LOT of it, day in and day out... so make sure you enjoy it first. 

Ok, so, everyone knows that I love color! And I know you do too! What's your favorite color and what do you think that says about you?

Favorite color:  Ohhhhh this is a toughy.  I really do enjoy most colors.  But, I'd have to say my ultimate favorites, yes... there are 3: apple green, turquoise, and yellow.  Don't they just make a darling color combination? I'm usually drawn to fabrics with those colors and therefore those colors tend to inspire me to create!

Don't you just wanna go out to coffee and spend the afternoon with her? Well, I would. Instead, I'll have to settle with hanging out on her blog, checking out her bright shop and chatting with her on twitter

Karen has graciously offered a 15% discount to Aisle to Aloha readers with the discount code ALOHALOVE -- go shopping and pick out something fun! 

Psst.... wanna win $25 towards some gorgeous handmade jewelry? Today is the last day to enter the giveaway for an Amy Cornwell gift certificate! Go enter! 


  1. Aw, Yay! I love Karen! I'd steer clear of the dried squid. I'm sure my husband would love it though. He likes lots of weird foods.

    I'm glad the tomato soup did the trick also!

  2. Her stuff is really cute, off to check out her shop!

  3. i love karen - so i loved this interview!! she is an inspiration and just so darn cute!

  4. great interview - thank you for introducing me to her! such cute stuff in her shop!


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