Wedding Week: The Ceremony

[It's Wedding Week at Aisle to Aloha! Check out Part 1 and Part 2 if you missed them!]

We were wed in the majestic US Naval Academy Chapel. Chris' parents were married there and it was incredible to share our vows in a building so steeped in tradition.

[photo from somewhere on the web. I forget where...sorry!]

Because Naval Academy midshipmen are not allowed to marry while in school there, there are many, many weddings during Commissioning weekend. There were 8 weddings in the chapel the Saturday we were married! We were given 20 minutes total for the ceremony and everything was run incredibly efficiently.

Unfortunately the chapel was undergoing huge renovations last spring and so there was a ginormous wall built to separate the front of the chapel from the area where the renovations where being done. You see it behind us in the above photo. 

My sister in law Karen has an angelic voice and we were so happy she agreed to sing during our unity candle lighting. She was accompanied by Chris' friend, Joe on the gee-tar. 

Because of the time constraints, we had very little opportunity to personalize our ceremony. It went by so quickly, I hardly remember what was said. But I do know there was bubbly organ music, a few jokes thrown in, one bright white unity candle, two life long promises and one magnificent kiss. 

And I went barefoot. :) On purpose.

My favorite part was after the ceremony when we went outside to greet our friends and family on the steps of the chapel and we got to take part in the tradition of the sword arch. 

We were surrounded by eight of Chris' buddies in uniform and his brother Kip. Swords were held up for us to pass under and after each arch, the swords were lowered and we were 'ordered' to kiss for passage. 

As if we needed persuading. 

As we came to the last sword and started to walk down the stairs, Chris' brother, Kip smacked me on the bum and exclaimed, "Welcome to the Navy, Mrs. W!"

[photo by my mama]

[photo by friend Matt]

And then we were engulfed by a crowd of all the people we love in life. 


Oh, and there was a crowd of tourists too. Glad they didn't engulf us. :)

After the ceremony, we roamed around the Naval Academy grounds with our awesome bridal party and got some fun shots. 

Chris loves the symbolism of having "Don't give up the ship" in our wedding photos. Ha. 

Then we were off to partaaay!!

Join us at the reception tomorrow. 


  1. Your wedding was so gorgeous, and so were you. I love looking at your day! The reason I asked you your middle name was that we have the same initials. Cool middle name!! Mine is just plain old Marie, LMW!!


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