Right on Target

I was in Target the other day, looking for birthday presents for my awesome niece (She's turning 12 tomorrow--I can't believe she's so ooold!) and of course I had to check out the home decor section. I couldn't believe it when I stepped into one of the aisles. Check out some of the cute stuff they had.

I have been yearning for an hourglass like these for months. I shrieked in delight when I saw these sitting happily on the shelf. I stood in front of these guys for literally 20 minutes before deciding to bring the yellow one home with me. ( I think it will  help tie in the yellow from my entryway bench to the blue and green living room.) But I wanted to get all of them!

Recognize this little slogan? Seems like Target is keeping up with the blog/Etsy/decor community!

Um, I pretty much love these turquoise lamp bases.

 (Is it weird that one of the only reasons I want an iPhone is so I can take pictures like these for the blog with out whipping out my big 'ol camera??)

These mirrors remind me of the one that John and Sherry picked up at Marshall's for their nursery. I'd go with the white one for sure!

And to top it all off--two awesome tables. One glitzy mirror finished side table and a Moroccan inspired table. Love them both!

See anything you like? I found some of these things online but couldn't find others. I'm thinking they are newer items that have hit some places but not others? 

Which color hour glass would you have chosen?

(Of course, this post wasn't endorsed by Target. Just sharing some pretty finds with you guys!) 


  1. SO did you bring anything home besides the hour glass? I really like the orange one, but I have no orange in my house, so that wouldn't really work, would it?

  2. Are you an interior decorator or just interior decor enthusiast?? Either way, you have an incredible eye! I loved everything you showed! Especially the tables and the mirrors.

    So glad Oahu finally got that Target up and running... I can't tell you how much I missed it when I lived there!

    And next time I'm there, we WILL go surfing together :)

  3. Ooo, I wish I could post you a comment picture! Last week we bought an "inspiration piece" from HomeGoods...it's an artsy, super fun frog - blue, green, and orange like we're doing in our family room, dining room, and kitchen. It would match with those hourglasses - I'm with Crystal, I'd probably go with orange because I'm in an orange kick lately ;)

  4. Crystal-I only bought the hourglass, though I assure you, I wanted to bring home more. I already have enough projects going on at the house before Chris gets home!

    Marianne--Just a lover of fun decor! :) And I have lots of time to devote to it since my hubby's been deployed!

    Jen--I can't wait to come see your house this summer! That frog sounds so fun! :)

  5. I'm totally four months late on this, but WOW I didn't know Target had such great home decor! I absolutely love the Moroccan table :) I think I would've gone with the orange hourglass just to get outside my comfort zone a little.

    And your reason for wanting an iPhone is not weird -- because that's exactly why I want one! :)


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