Inspire Me Monday: Turquoise & Orange

Blue paired with orange is such a fresh color combo.  I've always liked this combo and I almost went with it for our wedding colors (but ended up with orange and pink instead). And these days, I feel like I'm seeing it everywhere.

In my opinion, it's best to stick with turquoise and orange because it can tend to look like a sports team colors, like the Florida Gators or.. my alma mater, Gettysburg College.

Um, no gracias. 

Anyway, here are some rooms that might tickle your fancy if you like turquoise and orange as much as I do.

Ok, not exactly orange, but the wood table has that same orange tone. 

Anything here that you looove? 


  1. YES! I am really into orange and blue also! I love that orange table with the overlapped circles and those orange curtains in the next pic - oooo, love 'em! We're still trying to figure out what room wins a shade of orange - these are such good inspiration! :)

  2. Oooh...aahhh... I really like the first and third. My boredom with blue had actually been growing until I saw a couple of these images. I think it's just that the turquoise is so fresh looking, especially when paired with the orange. My parents have tried every other shade of blue in our house. When I get my own, I'll have to see if we have a room suited for turquoise!

    And in other news, I bought my first lamp today... and I bought it BECAUSE I intend to spray-paint it's dusty-pinkness away. The question is... what color should I make it? Decor is going to be a bit up in the air because Dzu and I will be living in a basement apartment for a couple of months and then possibly switching to a different basement apartment and then maybe a house. heh. We have no idea. So...should I go for neutral? or beautiful and interesting?

  3. i love that dining room (4th one down) and the bedroom right after it.

    Seriously Lindsay, when do you wanna come and decorate my house for me?

  4. Leah--I think you know what I would say. I'm obviously not a huge fan of neutral. :) If you don't know what colors you and Dzu will have in your new home, I would just paint it your fave color for now and then you can always sand it down and re paint it to fit in with your color scheme later.

  5. L.O.V.E. this color combo!!! And totally agree, it must be a turquoise shade!!

    LOVE 2 and 3 (although in 2, the two mirrors is a bit too much symmetry. I would have gone with one, possibly larger, in the middle) and love the last two, especially the second to last one.

    I would love a room with this color theme :)


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