Surfboard Painting for Ana and Alex

I was asked recently to do a painting for a nursery for TWINS! Ana and Alex just celebrated their first birthday and are so adorable. Their mama (and my friend and neighbor), Chrissy gave me free range to do whatever I wanted. Their room is a blank slate. So, here's what I came up with:

A girl surfboard for Ana and a boy surfboard for Alex. 

Royal blue around the edges.

Not super baby-ish but definitely fitting for a nursery in Hawaii! 

I hope you like it Chrissy (and Ana and Alex)!


  1. Adorable, I love it!! Hey what is your middle name?

  2. I like the idea of two surfboards for the nursery! It is unexpected AND appropriate, just like you said.

  3. How adorable! I love the pink and blue aspect and truly, how perfect for HI! New follower... found you through a blog I follow. . . can't wait to read more :)


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