Lindsay: Out

Happy Friday! Any fun plans for the weekend??

I'm pretty excited to spend my weekend getting a hair cut, a pedicure, manicure and a massage (!!!). I've also got some plans for a girl's night on Saturday and a huge commissary run somewhere in there.

[I may have to snag a nap in the ''community hammock'' this weekend too.]

 I shared this on facebook but I thought it was good enough to share here too. I asked Chris to give me some ideas for my grocery run and this is what he emailed back to me: 

" I want enchiladas, spaghetti, that asparagus stuff, pad thai, "honeymoon chicken" or whatever you called it with rice and cheese, tacos, calzones, bratwurst, steaks and potatoes, peach and crumbled blue cheese salad with beef tips, mac and cheese, pancakes and sausage, and salmon. That should cover the first couple of days."

Yeah, I'm gonna have to go to the store for sure. I'm also pretty sure I'm gonna have to roll him out the door once leave is over and he has to go back to work. 

I may or may not be around much in the next two weeks. I'll definitely be dropping by, but I'll be putting up the "Gone Surfin'"  sign fairly often. 

Hope you guys have a fabulous weekend and I'll see ya when I see ya!


  1. Well, I would like to have a baby this weekend... not sure if they baby agrees with that plan, but we've got a 3 day weekend, no b-ball or soccer games... seems like good timing to me!

    Enjoy your day of pampering and getting ready for homecoming! Can't wait to hear the good news that you and your man are reunited!

    Thank you both for the sacrifices you've made on our behalf over these past few months. I know that no matter how hard I try not to, we take it for granted.

  2. My hubs definitely gained like ten pounds when he got back! He was SOOOO thin he looked malnourished, but once he got in and got all the good land food, he was done. I like that all that food is going to last a few days... when it should last a few weeks!

    HAVE SO MUCH FUN! Enjoy every minute of his leave and Welcome Home to him (and you).


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