here and there [things that make me smile]


Homemade chocolate chip cookies. 
(And a nice cold glass of milk, of course)

Emails from Chris. 
(He saved a pod of whales from being run over by the ship this week. All in a day's work.)

Shish kabob-ing with the girls. 
(Yes, we grilled without the guys. I told you these are amazing women.)

Booking our post-deployment trip to the Big Island this week.
(We're going to stay inside the Volcano National Park!)

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend! I'll be doing some garage sale-ing, a little cookout action with the neighbors and hopefully getting some surfing in on Sunday. 

Oh! And I hope to finish up my latest project so I can share it with you next week. See you then!



  1. those kabobs look great~but yours' was the "meat on a stick" one right? or are you eating veggies now?!

  2. Mark and I loved the Big Island! Gorgeous. Make sure you visit the Hilo side... You'll love it!

  3. There is the best coffee shop on the big island called Hula Bean. Its on the Kona side.

  4. Oh so funny kp. The meat ones were just the leftover steak. Mine had [some] veggies on it, thank you very much.

    Sheryl and erin--We'll be on the Hilo side for this trip. Just a short trip this time and hopefully we'll be able to get back for the Kona side next time!


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