Walks with Chris.

Several nights a week, Chris and I delay washing the dishes from dinner and we talk a walk at sunset. 

Those are some of my favorite times together. 

Sometimes we talk. 

Sometimes we just walk. 

But there are always the plumerias. We rarely go for a walk without Chris picking up a freshly fallen plumeria for my hair. 

The other night while we were out we had to outrun a 'liquid sunshine' shower. 

And we were rewarded with a huge double rainbow and the fragrance of plumerias on the breeze.


  1. I could imagine those walks would be BEAUTIFUL! Such a different sight from my walk here in Korea...love how different "walks" are all around the world!

  2. This looks like a lovely evening activity...I love walking with my man. :)

  3. Loved walking your neighborhood. Regular houses and grass, then go around a corner and an amazing flower or tree was there to delight us!

  4. Your walk is definitely much prettier (and probably cooler temps too!) than ours.

    I love those special times with my husband too! That comfort you feel to just walk in silence sometimes and know that it's conversation in itself. Thanks for sharing Lindsay!

  5. I like how yall take advantage of every possible moment together...so sweet! Enjoy!

  6. We love our evening walks too! I should do better about bringing my camera along...

  7. Plumerias are my all time favorite flower. These photos make me miss Hawaii!

  8. Those walks with hubby are just the best. I'm sure you are soaking up every second of them with your man!! And what beautiful scenery you have to enjoy!!!

  9. This is great. Thanks for sharing :)

  10. plumerias are my FAVORITE. wish we had them out here! my husband's family lives out on the big island…so that is one of my favorite places to go visit. of course!
    so glad that your husband is back home. i know that you are very happy to have him with you. blessings my friend!

  11. All these pictures are so precious!
    Darling, I am very happy you have your hubby with you now :)

  12. I love plumerias. So pretty, especially with little water droplets on them.

    Sounds great all the walks you get.

  13. Oh my... gorgeous pics. Savor those walks =-)

  14. Love the plumerias in Hawaii... I'm taken back there every time I smell that scent! Gorgeous photos thanks for sharing them :)


  15. It must be horrible living in Paradise with your sweetie. ;) Such beauty. thanks for sharing

  16. Those pictures are amazing. You are so blessed to have such a blissful life. :)

  17. I used to think our post-dinner walks were for us kids. We'd run around all crazy in circles around our parents as they strolled hand-in-hand (sometimes my dad's hand would be in my mom's back pocket. Not callin' 'em out, just sayin...) Then I grew up and realized we probably weren't as awesome as we thought we were. And our parents, as much as they loved us, probably were just using the walks as a way to be together and keep an eye on us at the same time.

    But they're still magical memories. :)

  18. Gorgeous photos! How lovely that you get to spend so much time together, just doing the little things :)


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