Got a New Bob. A Haircut, Not a Boyfriend.

 It's been months since I've looved my hair. The past few hair cuts have been eh, nice. I couldn't exactly put my finger on what was wrong, but after two "eh" cuts from the same stylist, I decided to switch it up and go to a new salon. 

And I loooove my hair. 

Also, love my new-to-me vintage skirt.  Seriously amazing colors and patterns on this thang. 

(My first vintage purchase (!!) from Wishfulness shop on Etsy)

Chris told me to show off my rings. And this is what I did. I'm a bit ridiculous. 

navy cardigan:: {uh, no idea}
white tee:: {Old Navy}
belt:: {TJ Maxx}
skirt:: {vintage}
sandals:: {Old Navy}
turquoise ring: {gift from Chris}
coral ring:: {Charlotte Russe}

Let's talk hair cuts. Am I the only one who has to dress cute to go get a hair cut? And do my makeup all nice? I'm all like "I've got to show my new girl that I'm cute and stylish, so she'll give me a cute and stylish cut! Otherwise, she'll probably assume I'm a bum and give me a boring- girl haircut" No one wants a boring-girl cut. 

You do it too, don't you? 

Also, I kind of hate sitting in that chair with my hair all slicked back and my face exposed, forced to stare at my face for an hour. I find it so awkward. So that's why I have to have rockin' makeup. 

If you're in the market for a sweet new bob, check out my Photos to Show My Hairstylist board on Pinterest. I show it to my hairstylist every time I get my hairs cut. My favorites are the first and last pins. 



  1. Love the new 'do' very chic, and the rings!! lol Sam

  2. Sooo cute! I got my hair cut too (pic on my blog) but I've been thinking about chopping it off to about your length. Too much of a wimp for now though. Cute outfit as usual!

  3. Love it! I totally do that, too. Especially the makeup! Partly because I wanna make sure I get the full effect afterwards! Glad I'm not the only one :)

  4. soooooo glad you love your skirt! it looks so cute on you! XO

  5. The new cut looks great!! :) And the colors in this skirt ARE very fabulous.

  6. You are totally right about dressing cute for the salon! haha My mom had always been my stylist until she got her Masters and refused to cut another head of hair in her life. So, I've started going to salons and totally notice a difference in cut when I actually wear makeup. It's so weird!

  7. love the new hair! and your outfit is adorable!

  8. You are too cute! I have to admit that I do the same thing with my makeup...I can't stand staring at my un-madeup face for that long! LOL

  9. No worries, I am the same exact way. Who wants to walk out of the salon with your hair looking all cute and the rest of you not so cute? So silly!

  10. love it! And I'm totally browsing Pinterest for some new styles :)

  11. Oh my gosh I hate when they suck my neck and face into that plasticky drape they put on for haircuts! It's torture staring at it. And I totally agree about the dressing cute- gotta send a subliminal message!

  12. LOVE it! I don't usually get dressed up to get a haircut, but I might have to try this! It may be the reason I haven't been happy with my hair for years!!

  13. Yesssss!!! I am diggin' the skirt missy. And the new do. And yes. I do that too. The make up and all cute. Yep. So fresh and so clean clean.

  14. YES...we all do that! My husband always asks if I'm going on a date or just going to get a hair cut! I even know my hair guy but I still think if you look cute you get a more stylish hair cut. PLUS you have to look as cute as the salon girls. AND YES-staring at my face without hair to hide behind is quiet awkward. NOT a highlight of the salon experience.

    I rocked that bob for a long time and LOVED it. But we are broke from my daughter's medical bills so I have gone to long hair so I can space out the salon visits...short hair requires 6 week budget can not hold up to that.

    LOVE the look and the outfit and rings and crazy ring pic : )

  15. Ummm...I totally do the same thing. Last time I wanted my layers to be more "edgy" so I found myself dressing more "edgy". I had to help my stylist understand just how extreme I wanted to

    Your new cut is adorable by the way!

  16. I completely do that when getting a haircut!! I think it's part of girl code ;) Love your new cut!

  17. LOVE the hair cut and skirt! You are adorable!!! So fun!

  18. Ironically I attempt to look nice but always fall short and look like a tomboy when I get my haircut. Then I see all the cute girls around me, fully done up and wonder why I can't look like that for a haircut. haha

  19. I love the skirt!!! very cute

  20. LOVING your vintage skirt and rings girl!!!

  21. love your hair too so chic! And the skirt is gorgeous I like the lovely prints


  22. I recently got my hair cut off, too, and I'm loving it! You look so adorable and I love love love the skirt.


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