An Attempt to Be More "Others-Centered."

The past week or two, I have been thinking about the article I mentioned a few months ago, about being an others-centered blogger. I love writing about our adventures here in Hawaii and I have lots of fun posting outfits {that hopefully inspire you!}, but it's also been on my heart to develop some ideas for ways to help my readers, connect with them {you!} better, and also promote some of my favorite hard-working creatives. So here are a few things I've come up with.

{one} I've been blogging for over two years and have run a handmade biz for almost a year. I am still learning and in so many ways, I feel like a total newb. But, I have learned so much in that time and I want to share what I've learned with you. So, I'll be writing a blog series called {What I've Learned}
 (real original title, right?) I'm going to cover topics like blogging, handmade biz, inspiration, packaging and photography. Let me reiterate that I consider myself far from an expert and I'm a bit hesitant to even do this series, for fear that I would be perceived as considering myself one. But I threw out the idea on my Facebook page this weekend, and got some great feedback, so I'm going for it. I'm also considering having some guest posts on things I know little about like... organization. :)

Look for the first {What I've Learned} post next week! 

{two} I love introducing you to my sponsors each week, and I hope that you enjoy finding new shops and handmade businesses to get to know! But as I surf the web, I find myself daily discovering shops that I'd love to share with you. In order to make more room in my posting schedule for sharing new shops with you, and give myself more time for writing those posts, I am going to change things up a little bit with my sponsorship. 

From now on, I'll be offering feature posts for the large ads only. Small size sponsors will get an ad spot on the sidebar and will be mentioned in a monthly group post instead of a feature post. This will allow me to bring in shops that I've found every now and then and bless them with an unsolicited feature. 

{three} I want to get to know YOU better! I do my best to visit your blogs and reply to your comments, but I know there are still many of you who lurk in the shadows, or who I have just not had to chance to get to know. So I created a survey to get to know you better. Even if you have never commented before, I would really love to hear from you. I promise to visit your blog if you leave me a link! All questions are optional.

I have also included a few questions about your likes/dislikes about my blog. Obviously, I write this blog for Chris and me, but I also like to see what you enjoy reading. So let me know what you think!
Click here to take the survey! 
**Survey closed! Thanks for participating!**

Pssst... If you don't have a blog link, please leave your email so I can respond! Mahaloo!

{By the way, I had a really awesome survey created in Google Docs, but it would not show up in live form no matter what. So instead, you have this boring looking survey. Oh well.}

So those are three major changes I am making to strive towards becoming a more others- centered blogger. I'm constantly learning as I go, and it certainly is a fun journey!

What are some ways you strive or would like to work towards being an others-centered blogger?



  1. beautiful! can't wait to see what you dream up miss!

    and while i'm trying to be an other-centric blogger, my TRUE goal is being an other-centric person! selfless, like Christ.

  2. I am beyond excited for your what I learned posts! I think it is a great idea. {I also love your outfit posts, gives me lots of inspiration for outfits and making accessories :)}

  3. Hey Lindsay! I love your blog so much. I've only commented a couple of times, but I want you to know that I really enjoy reading about your adventures in Hawaii. I've always wanted to go to Hawaii, but reading your blog is the next best thing! :)

  4. I think that's a great goal, Lindsey! I love reading/seeing your adventures, but I do love to see bloggers helping others, too. :) Off to take the survey!

  5. I am so excited about the What I've Learned series. I was just thinking the other day how I wish I could get help with my blog!

  6. I love reading your perspectives on living island life, since we are both on Oahu. Your blog shows how much you guys enjoy life!

  7. That was fun (your survey, that is)

    Looking forward to your little transition. :) Tips on what you've learned is always good. I'm sure there's things I don't know.

  8. Survey completed. Love your blog!

  9. I sometimes get discouraged if I leave comment after comment after comment on someone's blog and I get nothing back in return.... it's frustrating, so I do try to be really good about commenting on other people's blogs, because if I expect them to read mine, I should show them the courtesy to visit theirs as well :)

  10. Thanks for your nice reply :)

  11. I am SUPER bummed right now because I tried to do your survey and it kept telling me that I left question 5 blank even though I didn't =-( Dumb. But I pretty much said I think you're awesome and I love your blog. So there!

  12. It's beautiful that you're making changes to be more other-centered. Thanks!

  13. just by THIS post you've inspired ME to be a better blogger...and person, friend. i love you & your huge heart!! :)

  14. Lindsay, I love this post!! I love your ideas too. I think those are some wonderfully practical ways to spread the love. :) It's timely for me to read this post actually. I've been praying about how (or if) God wants me to use my blog for something greater than it is now. I have a few ideas I'm thinking through! I somehow missed out on the survey, but would love to answer the questions for you! If you're still interested in feedback, email me at

    God bless!


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