Inspire Me Monday: Mint

I am loving mint green/blue these days. Just looking at the color makes my mouth tingle. Here are few of my favorite mint picks this week. 

Clockwise from right. 

{one} This bedroom is so elegant and refreshing. I can't decide if I love the sunburst mirror or gold morroccan poofs the best. Hm, I think the poofs. Mint and gold is seriously a genius combination. 

{two} I have been five minutes from buying this Raina bag from Fabric and Handle for about 3 weeks now. I love that you can adjust the handle lengths! 

{three} Lace and mint? Another perfect combo! Loving this ShopRuche Merissa top. 

{four} Friendship bracelets are all the rage lately and this one by minco on etsy is so gorgeous. It's fancied up with some silver chain and would look beautiful layered with a few other pieces of minna's delicate jewelry. 

Also, I'm craving some mint for my nails lately. Macy's was sold out of this Turquoise and Caicos shade by Essie when I went to buy it the other day but I'm determined to go back to snag it soon! 

Anyone want a mojito?



  1. you and i are lusting over the exact same bag! i want that one in that color!!! mint is da bomb-diggity!!

    p.s. skype date this week, right-o?

  2. seriously? i just added both that bag & that blouse to my "things i want to wear" board on pinterest the other day! mint is such a lovely color.

  3. that bedroom and that bag are GORGEOUS!!

  4. I love that bag! I have also been *this close* to ordering one of their bags :) Love them!

  5. love the colour and love your blog! i'm your newest follower.

  6. I am obsessed with the color mint as well! I have Revlon's "minted" nail polish on my toes. It's very cute! Not the best quality of polish but the price tag was right. :)

  7. oooh...I love the color, so delicious! And it's such a calming and soothing color.


  8. love that inspiration!!!!! Such a pretty color:)

  9. I love mint - so pretty! I think the bag and the bracelet are my favorites. :)

  10. That bedroom and those gold poofs are gorgeous. And I think I am going to have to go snag me some of that nail polish.

  11. I love the bedroom with the gold pops!

  12. i think i've found my new face color. ;)

  13. I like the sunburst above the bed, so pretty!
    Hope you find the nail polish. I'm curious how it'll look.


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