Aloha From a Sponsor: Moxie Mandie

Today's featured sponsor is Mandie from Moxie Mandie! Her shop is filled to the brim with richly colored goodies-- from pillow covers, burp cloths, clutches, and even yards of fabric! I had such a hard time choosing what to feature on today's post, so be sure to go check out her shop and see what else this creative girl's got to offer! Without further ado, here's Mandie! 

Aloha Mandie! Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your shop?

Hi! I'm Mandie from moxiemandie. I love fabric, my hubby, our camera, and movies. Not necessarily in that order. I opened my shop last October with a few zippered pouches, and it's evolved to a little shop full of accessories for you, baby, and home. I love mixing old & new to create unique options that you won't find anywhere else. Thrifted fabric is my favorite- I LOVE giving new life to something that's been set aside. :)

Where do you do most of your creating? Studio? Dining room table? Living room couch?

I currently sew in our living room. We have a spare room, but my fabric is usually strewn all over it, so I tend to drag my table in front of the tv most evenings and get some work done while watching tv. 

Everyone has those inspiration funks. How do you get out of a funk?

When I get into a funk, I usually let myself walk away from my fabrics and machine and take a breather for a day or two. If that doesn't get the juices rolling, I head over to Anthro or World Market to look at their pretty linens and after bringing something new home with me, I get to creating. ;)

What's your favorite color and what do you think that says about your personality?

I don't feel that I have a favorite color, but I've noticed that most of the fabrics I reach for are blue, yellow, and green. I'm not quite sure what that says about me, but those are the colors you'll find in my home usually, too! 

Want more of MoxieMandie? 

Go say "aloha" over on her blog! 

Become a fan on Facebook! 

Chat with her on twitter! 

Take 10% off your MoxieMandie purchase with the code AISLE2ALOHA through July!


  1. LOVE <3! i think i've found a new fave shop, friend!

  2. I looooooove Mandie!!! She's one of my favorite favorite FAVORITES!!!!

  3. I love it!! The fabrics are so bright and fresh! Those couch pillows are just what I've been looking for to brighten up my drab living room. Noted!


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