
shrimp tacos. 
fall flowers from my love. 
dawn patrol. 
chickens on the beach. 
honu watching.
trying new recipes.
(homemade biscuits and country gravy and grilled ribs with homemade bbq sauce)
new herbs to grow. 
bike fixin'. 
bike ridin'. 
outfit pictures. 
sunset watching. 




  1. love the chicken on the beach:) wondering what that critter was in the ocean?? see that's why i just don't get in past my knees. geesh!!

  2. Beautiful pics (as always!) I love that shelf of clouds on the beach. And Farmgirl-that's a sea turtle!!

  3. What a beautiful weekend! Gorgeous pictures, as always and so interesting to see that chicken! How neat!

  4. I am so jealous of the beautiful views you have so close to you!

  5. friend... you are doing super with your 50mm... I just LOVE your photos :)

  6. This looks like just a lovely + relaxing weekend!!!

  7. What a cute post! I love all the colors and the sights from your weekend! I'm posting about mine right now so check it out!!! :)

  8. Aww, what an adorable weekend- You are so lucky! And your pictures look FANtastic. :)

  9. Looks like a fantastic weekend! Thanks for sharing the bbq "recipe" (used lightly because I know you just threw it together) on twitter - definitely going to try to make our own bbq sauce next time!

    Mike was away all weekend so I was really happy to follow girls who were having fun with their guys. I had a great time doing "me" things like shopping with my mom and chowing down on Chipotle, and I went to my first blogger meetup! But now I definitely have [even more!] appreciation for when Mike is around. Better believe I hugged that guy hard when he got home :)

    Happy Monday + have a great week!

  10. oh my goodnesssss... these pictures are beautiful.

  11. those fall flowers are beautiful! & i love honu watching. i could sit for hours & watch them rolling in the waves.
    i hope that you have such a blessed week!

  12. These are gorgeous! I desperately want a 50mm lens!

  13. LOVED this post - the pictures are incredible. Thanks for sharing Lindsay! :)

  14. wow, AMAZING photos my friend! you are way more talented than me!!

  15. Your pictures are so gorgeous. Looks like an amazing weekend :)

  16. This past week Declan & I spent 5 days in the Florida Keys. Granted, it's not Hawaii--but it does have that tropical feel. Gorgeous skies, blue water, sand, you know. And a few times I thought about you and how lucky you are to live in that gorgeousness ALL THE TIME. :) And how jealous I am that your pictures are always of this amazingly beautiful surroundings and weather. You are one blessed lady :)


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