it's the little things:: pretty parcels, junk food and a question for you.

I haven't written a "Little Things" post in awhile. But I love taking time to appreciate the seemingly small things that made my week great. I started this series while Chris was deployed in the spring of 2010 and it was during those times that I really was thankful for the tiniest things that made me smile. And I still am thankful for those things. 

This week, I'm thankful for... 

... a sweetly wrapped package from a faraway bloggy friend.

  ... hitting 1,000 blog followers! (Ok, that's a big thing, actually...) So thankful for each of you who read and have become a huge part of my life.

... celebrating my blog milestone with Chris with a dinner of homemade bacon cheeseburgers (with pepperjack cheese, of course) and homemade fries. And not feeling guilty about all the grease, cuz what's a celebration without a little junk food??

... a night with no tv, phones or computer. Kicking Chris' butt at Bananagrams. 

... starting a DIY project. It's been forever since I've done any DIY. Even if it's taking me forever to finish...

So, I've been toying with the idea of making my "Little Things" posts into a link up party. So, I just want to throw some feelers out there and see if you guys are interested and would link up with me on Fridays? 

Your mission (should you choose to accept it, har har) would be to document some small things throughout the week that make you smile. A glass of soda. A pretty new nail polish. Freshly laundered towels. Whatever. Then link up here and visit others who have linked up. 

I think this would be great for three reasons. 

First, even in the midst of an awful week, focusing on small ways that God has blessed me is so helpful for my attitude. We are all thankful for friends, family, having jobs, etc. I know that God cares even about the small things and places those tiny blessings in our days purposefully. 

Psalm 118:24 says "This is the day [or week!] the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!" 

Also, I think it will be a great way for us to remember to pull out the camera and practice photography, even on seemingly mundane things like a coke bottle. I love having photos of my every day life to look back on!

Finally, I've been wanting to start a link up party for awhile as a way for you my readers, to benefit from my traffic somewhat and to meet other bloggers that hang out here at Aisle to Aloha. So, I am hoping this will be a great way for you to make some new friends! 

Are you up for it? If I get enough interest, we'll do the first linkup next Friday. I'll let you know for sure early next week! 

Have a fabulous holiday weekend! We've got some fun adventures in store for us- including a waterfall hike, some sunrise/sunset watching and surfing! 



  1. I love your link-up idea! I definitely would!

    Also, I love that your nail polish matches your pretty package.

  2. YES! I'm in for sure!


  3. I would love to! I just started a seperate blog for a Bible study/reflection I'm starting on Monday, so this would be FABULOUS to wrap into my "Faithful Fridays" I was planning on starting! I say Excellent idea!

    [PS: I truly loved your idea to add the @ onto my name and I've noticed so many since you suggested it. Something so simple, yet brilliant!]

  4. Great post! It really is the little things that make all the difference! I would love to link up and think it's a great idea!

  5. I would love to link up... Just need you to teach me how :)

  6. I really liked your simple things! And that verse is one of my favorites, but forgot about it, so thanks for the reminder!

    By the way, your new lens is awesome! You've now solidified my desperate need to save up for my own so I can play!

    Emily w/Amazing Grapes

  7. Someone is enjoying their new lens! :) Cute photos...and what a nice idea for you to start a link-up. Celebrating the little things never gets old!

  8. i think it sounds fun! i'm in :) xo

  9. I'll link up! You'll have to help me through the I just add a link to your blog? haha still learning the ropes =)

  10. Absolutely a great idea! Do it, it would be fun.

  11. I'm definitely interested in this link up party. Let's do it!

  12. sounds fun! i'm in :)
    i love how your nail polish matches the wrapping in the first picture! i love that shady of green, like a tiffany mint mix.
    congrats on 1000 followers... you are loved ;)


  13. I'm a new blog reader of yours and absolutely love your blog. The design was what first caught my eye. I would love to start the Friday series with you. I'm also a military wife in a new place without the comforts of home so this would be a great way to focus on some small things.

  14. I love the link-up party idea!
    I hope you decide to do it. =)


  15. I'd definitely come to that party!

    I know I myself tend to overlook the little things. I love that you don't. This would be a great way to remember to stop in my own life and take a little more in.

    I hope you chose host it!

  16. Count me in!! I totally love this idea! I think I am gonna do a post like that today. Have a great weekend. I would love to see pics of you surfing!


  17. I am absolutely in :)

    Lauren Margaret

  18. I would love to link up! The little things are the big things.

  19. congrats on your Bananagrams win :) I love making the hubs celebrate bloggy success with me too!

  20. I would definitely link up with you for "it's the little things". I'm thinking about starting a series myself too!

  21. What a cute blog! I am so happy I have found you! Finding new blogs to follow are my addiciton. Cant wait to read more. :) If you get a sec, go check out my blog and tell me what you think. Have a magical day!

  22. I'm a new reader, and would love to link up!

    For a while I was doing thankful Thursdays on my blog, where I listed a few things I was thankful for during the week. It reminds me a lot of your little things, and I would love to link!

  23. great minds must think alike, i just did a post like this this morning

  24. I would love, love, LOVE to be a part of your link up idea!! I'm always taking pictures of little things that make me smile... so this sounds perfect! Woohoo! Happy Friday!

    JB @

  25. As I told you on Twitter, I would love to link up for this!

  26. I am a new follower and CONGRATS on the 1,000. That is something to celebrate with greasy deliciousness. I hope to celebrate too one day!

    I would also love to participate in the link up so DO IT.

    Xo. Tara

  27. I would totally do it if I can figure out the whole link-up thing! (i'm a bloggie dodo bird)

  28. i would totally link up...another blogging meme for me, haha! ;)

  29. I would SO Link up - I think this is a great series and definitely need the reminders about little things in life being as much of a blessing as some of the big things.

  30. Consider me "in" as well! Love the idea and you are absolutely right, remembering the little things that we are thankful for and so blessed with is uplifting...and definitely blog worthy! :)

  31. First of all, I absolutely love that your nails match the packaging in the first photo!

    I also love the idea of no phones, tv or computer for a day/night. Even if you're not in a relationship, its still a great way to get some time to relax and unwind. :)


  32. Freaking LOVE Bananagrams! Glad that there are others that enjoy it as well!

  33. I would totally link up too, Lindsay!


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