it's the little things:: cookie dough & chevron rugs

It's Friiiiiday! That means that it's time for the weekend AND a Little Things linkup! Each week, I've been looking forward to these link ups and it makes me so happy to hear that you guys are enjoying them too! Doesn't it make your week so much better when you are looking for those little blessings instead of focusing on the yucky stuff? I know especially when I have stressful weeks like this week, that the little things can make a big difference. 

My little things this week... 

Chris and I made chocolate chip cookies the other night. The best part about making cookies as an adult is you get to eat as much batter as you want. I think I may have triple-dipped my egg-beater. No worries-- we were the only one eating the cookies. ;) Not like there were very many anyway, after all the batter we ate. 

My new mini-moo biz cards came in the mail! Obviously because they are tiny, they are so freaking adorable (Chris has figured out the girl-rule that anything small = cute.) I kind of want to hand them out to everyone on the street. I guess that's the point. :) 

I don't know about you, but I am still obsessed with chevron patterns. I recently bought this chevron rug from Urban Outfitters and it came in the mail yesterday! I'm in looove. Now to find some awesome new pillows and paint some new artwork. 

And just to demonstrate that I'm not a total phone-picture h8er, here are a few *bonus* little things from my phone. 

accidental artwork on my paint brushes
sun in my face and wind in my hair during Jeep rides
ice cream sundaes

Thank you for all your kind and encouraging words on my stressed-out post the other day. I am absolutely convinced that I have the sweetest readers with the kindest souls. Thanks for making me feel normal and loved! :) 

PS. I'm giving away a $30 shop credit on Lauren's blog! Go enter to win that and lots of other fun prizes! 

Now, go link up! Excited to see your posts this week!

 party rules.

1. Only link to your specific blog post, not to your blog's main page. See here for more explanation. 

2. Grab a button and/or include a link back to this post so your readers can come see what the fun is all about! You can find the code for the button on the sidebar or on the "little things" page.

3. Make sure you visit (and comment) on other posts linked up-- what fun is a party if no one talks to each other? Make some new friends! 

4. I reserve the right to kick you out of the party if you aren't playing nice-- so make sure your post is relevant to this party and is actually a "little things" post (ie. no giveaways, random posts from last month, etc.). 



  1. even though i haven't joined in this party, i LOVE it and have savored every post...esp. the ones with food like this one. yum.

  2. Batter is the best part about making cookies :)

    I ordered my business cards from Moo too and love the little box so much more than the regular sized box! I love how you've put a different painting on them! Very cheery!

  3. I want to eat some cookie dough right now!
    Those cards are adorable! Of course its cuz there small!


    Thanks for doing this link up!

  4. i LOVE your tiny biz cards and your chevron rug and you. you just brighten my day every time i read your blog!

  5. i think ilene has the new title of quick comment mcgee!! wait, that wasn't my name... but you get the picture!! hhaha!! LOVE the chevron rug, friend!!

  6. Totally cute rug and business cards!

  7. Aw your business cards are absolutely adorable and I love that rug from Urban Outfitters. You're inspiring me to a get a few new rugs for my room! (I don't know where I'll be getting this money....) haha

    Love the little things.
    You've got me looking forward to these posts every week <3

  8. Thank you again for hosting; I love this makes me happy!

    Your little moo cards are so cute!

  9. The cookies sound yummy and those cards are adorable! I would want one of each! Thanks for hosting! =)

  10. That rug is pretty glorious...I might need one...I love urban. Thanks for hosting, it's my first time linking up! :)

  11. I am loving your little things link-up! Maybe I'll work on documenting my little moments better next week and actually link-up, ha ha!!! Thanks for reminding me to stop and be present in the little moments and to look deeper for the blessings in my life.

  12. Love those adorable business cards! And I keep falling in love with chevron... :)

    linking up for the first time today!

  13. Mmmm cookie dough, that sounds so good right about now!

  14. i'm kinda digging chevron right now too. i'm thinking of painting a rug. have a great the pic of you with the wind in your face:)

  15. Oh I love your mini little moo cards!!!! I have some I need to order myself :D

  16. love your link up party!! i may join next week :D

    such a great idea to appreciate so many things and get to share them with everyone and make them smile too :)

  17. I love your moo cards. and now I kinda want to bake some cookies and mostly just eat the batter. yum!! :)

  18. I am so in love with Chevron patterns too! Love that baby blue color.

  19. MMMM cookie dough, yum yum yum.

    I also got my mini moo cards and just love them! They're so fun and cute!

  20. your mini moo cards are so cute!!

  21. ok raw cookie dough... yummiest of yummies. isn't it totally funny that when we grow up we eat everything we weren't allowed to as kids?

  22. SO glad I found this link-up! Can't wait to do my own little things post! :)

  23. seriously, you should bring those little moos all over with you! sandwich shops, F21 dressing room, do it girl! have a fabulous weekend!

  24. i actually linked up this week!! :) so thankful for you & this blogging meme, friend.

  25. I love that rug! And yummmmm chocolate chip cookies, I love them!

  26. Loved your list! I was out of town so I missed last Friday but I will be back this week!


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