Happy One Year, Aisle to Aloha Studio!

Today marks one year since I opened my Etsy shop, Aisle to Aloha Studio! It has been an amazing year and I am so thankful for how I've grown, what I've learned, the people I've met and now cherish as dear friends. There have been plenty of frustrations and struggles, but every day, I continue to be in awe that God has given me the opportunity to do what I love and to spread my love for color to the world! :)

I am so thankful for Chris' support throughout this year. I am such a lucky girl that I get this amazing man to be my husband and best friend. From his artistic advice, business brainstorming sessions, constant encouragement and hugs through the hard stuff, this is certainly not a one woman operation.

I'm also thankful for YOU. Each of you who read my blog, spread the word about Aisle to Aloha Studio, leave me kind comments, encouraging tweets and sweet emails, purchase my paintings, commission custom pieces, and keep me inspired! Mahalo nui loa, dear friends! Thank you so much for your support and love! 

And to say thank you--I though we'd do a little celebrating! For the next 24 hours...

 All 6x6 Cutie paintings are $5 off! No need for a coupon code-- they are already marked down! 

Also, for every thing else in the store, take 20% off with the code ONEYEAR20 at checkout! (Coupon code does not apply to 6x6 paintings.)

ALSO, since we're celebrating today, I thought it would be fun to give away one of my 6x12 Hooray paintings! 

To enter, simply leave me a comment below. Easy as that! I'll pick a winner and announce on Thursday!

*giveaway closed!* 

Thanks to all who entered-- you certainly made me feel loved! If you are Rhiannon from From the Heart, congratulations! Email me, girl! 



  1. Congrats on the anniversary! :) Or should I say hip hip HOORAY! I love the montage you put together of your paintings. SO fascinating.

  2. aw, linds!! i'm so glad you opened up shop and i'm so glad we found each other :)

    remember this?


  3. Happy One year! Hooray! I would LOVE to win :)

  4. congrats on a year to your etsy shop! here's hoping there are many more :)

  5. Happy one year! Here's to many more!

  6. Love your stuff!! Happy one year to you!

    Meggy from Chasing Davies

  7. Sign me up! ;-) Congrats girl on one year! You're amazing!

  8. Congrats to a successful first year! Cheers to many, many more! Thanks for sharing all that colorful beauty with us.

    Turquoise is my fav color!

  9. Happy 1 year!!! It's so encouraging to me to watch the growth and development of your business. It helps me to keep my head up about my dreams and goals!!! Kudos girl!!!

    Jess @ oneofthelovebugs.wordpress.com

  10. Hooray Lindsay! One year - definitely a big deal!

    Supportive husbands are the best, aren't they?

  11. Congratulations on one year, what an amazing accomplishment!

  12. it is good to stop and remember what He has done!

  13. Congratulations on your one year! You're very talented & I love seeing your new creations!

  14. Happy one year, cutie! I'll say hooray since I can't give you a high five in person!

  15. Such an amazing accomplishment! Congratulations :)

  16. congrats to you! such pretty and colorful pics! love them. :)

    p.s. got my camera!! i am soooo excited! now the hard part. learning how to use it. #toomanybuttons!

  17. Congratulations on one year, Lindsay! Here's to many more. :)

  18. Congratulations on your shop anniversary! I mentioned on Twitter yesterday that I remember you opening it, and you have been an inspiration to my art ever since! :)

  19. Oh that's so exciting - congratulations and you have some gorgeous paintings!

  20. Congratulations Lindsay! I'm so excited each and every day to be able to share in your creativity and photography through your blog! Here's to many more years of delighting us with your wonderful creative talents!

  21. congrats on 1 year! such a great accomplishment! i love reading your blog & following your shop, you are very talented :)

  22. So excited for you and your etsy store! Congrats!

  23. Congrats on your first year! Many more to come...

  24. Congrats on your etsy anniversary! I've been an admirer of your work (especially your Write On and Ampersand cuties!) since I stumbled across your blog on Pinterest months ago :)

  25. Congratulations on one year! That is such a wonderful and exciting achievement! I love your paintings, especially mine :) I do keep meaning to send you a picture of it, but I can't get my camera to function properly... one day, I promise!

  26. yay - happy one year, friend!!!!! doing the happy dance for you :)

  27. Yay!! Congrats!! I love your stuff.

    Heres to wonderful hubbies, beautiful places, and an awesome God who loves and provides for our needs!!

  28. Happy 1 year! Congrats! I love ALL of your colorful paintings!

  29. I love this colorful post and I love how much you love blogging and painting :) Happy Etsy Anniversary!

  30. yaya! love your stuff, so stinkin cute!

  31. Congrats on 1 year! Your painting are beautiful! : )

  32. Congratulations Lindsay on one year!! That is great :)


  33. Yay!! Congrats, Lindsay! Love your shop and I'm so glad I "met" you through blogging this year. :)

  34. oh so proud of you, friend!! it has been so awesome to see your Etsy blossom & look at the great paintings you do...keep it up, mkay?

  35. congratulations! i love your shop and your blog!

  36. Awesome! I love your paintings and am saving up for one of the newer "lace" paintings for my daughter's room - it would look SO cute! Congrats on your shop being open a year :)

  37. Hey! I've been following your blog for a while and love it! It's also fun to see places I recognize in your photos. :)

  38. Congrats Lindsay! I love your blog, and your shop. I love that your paintings are colorful, simple - yet just enough, and so darn cute :) Here's to another successful year, cheers!

  39. Congrats on the one year mark, how exciting it that! Much continued luck to you in the near future!

  40. Congratulations on your one year! That is so incredibly exciting :) I love all of you work, including the painting I bought from you, and I can't wait to buy more!

  41. how much fun is that "hooray" painting! LOVE it... how have I not seen it before? I'm pretty sure it goes hand in hand with my "Celebrate Life" perfect! :)

  42. Congratulations on the milestone! I would love to win a painting for my baby girl's nursery! I've wanted one for AGES!

  43. Your one of my new favorite bloggers. I love the photography on your blog and all the fun posts. Congrats on one year!!

  44. Congrat's Lindsay wow I did not know it was your anniversary of one year! You are an amazing artist and friend I wish you continued success and blessings!


  45. Your paintings are so HAPPY - I love it!!!

  46. Oh my gosh, congrats! I'm going to spend the rest of the night deciding which 6x6 should hang in my new apartment =)

  47. Congrats! And I would like to win, please :)

  48. Congrats on one year! I love love love your paintings...and I'm a fan of the aloha spirit!

  49. Oooh! Yes, please!

    Happy 1 year, ATA!


  50. congrats I Love your bright and fun paintings!
    thanks for the chance to win one :)

  51. Congrats friend! That is so fun. Love your work!!

  52. Congratulations!

    I definitely have to go mosey on over and check out the cuties since their $5 off! (since being in college I have a tight budget...)

    That's such an exciting anniversary! Maybe one day I can open up an etsy, too!

  53. Congratulations on your one year!! That's amazing!

  54. Congrats on one year!!! I wish you lots of continued success!

  55. Congratulations. Such fun paintings.

  56. Happy one year of success! I really admire that. I tried to have a successful etsy shop, but failed :/

    Also, I am jealous of your husband's picture taking ability for WIWW....I'm still working with my hubs to be a little more adventurous with the digi cam.

    Love your paintings and would be honored to have the "Hooray!" in my living room. the colors work perfectly!

    congrats again :)

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Congratulations!! An anniversary is so very exciting!!

  59. Congrats on your first year--what a success!

  60. I really enjoy reading your blog! Happy Anniversary:)

  61. I have been a lover of your blog for awhile now...Happy Happy ONE year Aisle to Aloha Studio!!! :)

  62. Cheers! Hope you popped some bubbly to celebrate and hope you'll be sending that "Hooray" my way! ;) Congrats on the year, new friend. You are for sure spreading love in color! xo

  63. Congrats my friend:)! You have had such a great year!! Here is too many more!

  64. Happy One Year!!! Hooray indeed :) Love your blog, love your art and am so excited about my custom piece from Aisle to Aloha Studio!!!

  65. Happy Etsy-versary! Congrats on all your success & wishing you much more in the years to come!

  66. Congrats on your store-a-versary!! I love all of your amazing paintings!

  67. happy for you girlie, love how you displayed them all in the image. beautiful

  68. ah I want it! And congrats, I remember talking to you in the Etsy forums when you were first opening it - I can't believe it's been a year!

  69. anniversaries rock! so do your paintings!

  70. i just redecorated my room and this would be a perfect addition!

  71. Oh wow that is adorable!! I'm sad I haven't spent more time looking thru your shop- but I WILL tell you that I love reading your inspiring posts :) Whether you're having a great day or a cruddy one, you make the most of it and that always forces my chin up. And your growth over this year, has been obvious- I'm so happy for you and proud too!!:) So keep it up!! :D
    Love your paintings!!
    <3, bex.

  72. omg how cute is that hot air balloon painting. my hubs and i got engaged in one, i love it!!
    think i will have to purchase :)

  73. Happy shop-iversary! :) Your paintings are so cute and I would love to add one to our home. Thanks for the chance to win!

  74. yipee for the one year anniversary. how generous of you to celebrate with us!

  75. i love love your work! so beautiful! happy anniversary!

  76. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
    Congrats on the anniversary!!!

  77. Happy one year! Hope I commented in time :)

  78. you are so talented! God has truly given you a gift! And thanks for sharing your anniversary with us! I'm eyeing about three different paintings right now. =P

  79. Happy anniversary! You are one of the successful home shop/bloggers that are truly inspiring to me. Your faith is also very encouraging!


  80. I am a new follower (a little over a week) and just love your blog. Your etsy shop is amazing too... I love your little paintings.

  81. How exciting!!! I love your work and I am so glad you have been here for a year and that you arent going ANYWHERE! <3

  82. Hopefully it's not too late to enter! I really want one of your pieces (too many good ones to choose from) to hang in my office. :)

  83. Congratulations! Your paintings are just awesome, keep up the fantastic work.


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