playing around with my new lens.

About an hour ago, my doorbell rang and angels descended as the mailman handed me a package that contained my new 50mm f/1.8 camera lens! 

I've been taking random pictures all around the house for the past hour or so. I'm excited to see how my photos improve once I get the hang of it. 

Our house is ridiculously messy at the moment so it was easy to find random objects to take pictures of. I suppose I should get off the couch and go clean or something. 

Happy September! 

Don't forget to check out my featured sponsor for the day, Little Bird Creations, and say hello! 



  1. Hi there,

    Taylor over in Maui here :) Is the top picture a 31 bits necklace?

  2. Um I think I just found my next toy :) I love the photos and can't wait to see what all you do with this new tool. So, uh, where and how much??? :)

  3. You will LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that lens. I do photography on the side and I use my 50mm about 90% of the time. It takes a little while to get used to using a fixed lens, but the picture quality is so superior! Have fun photographing! :)

  4. The first day with a new fun! You're already taking great shots with the new 50. I especially like the one of the scrabble tiles.

  5. That lens is on my Christmas list. :) I can't wait to see the pictures you take!

  6. Such a versatile lens! It's my favorite!

  7. Ok so first off your pictures are always sooo good! I look forward to your blog because you have the most perfectly placed pics and words. Now with the 50 watch out! I love what you have taken already. Oh and by the way can I please rent you for a day to restyle me :) hahaha seriously you have such cute style

    Erica at An Ordinary but Blessed Life

  8. My husband finally gave in and got me the Nikon D3100 and I already want that lense, but I think it's gonna have to wait awhile.
    Looks like your having a blast trying it out;)

  9. I hate when I notice a typo ***lens***......sorry folks.

  10. Looks like you're having lots of fun with your new toy!

  11. a new lens is always fun! you look so pretty in the pictures that you're in!! i'm still trying to get use the one i have now.


  12. Oooh, lucky girl. I am just really getting into photography and using the manual setting on my camera. I know that this has to be my next purchase...your photos are great!

  13. you're adorable! you remind me of jordan from this past season of so you think you can dance (have you seen it??) also, i LOVE essie nail polish, what color is that??

  14. Linds, you've GOT to check out the 31bits winter line this weekend. Im loving the forehead headbands and they've got a sweet aqua/teal bead goin'. Xo

  15. OMG, so excited for you!! i love the flip flop picture the best & can't wait to see more of your awesome pics, friend!

  16. That is so exciting! I have been on the brink of ordering it for a while now and just haven't made the commitment! Your photos look amazing!


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