garbage potatoes.

It's been a bit of a rough season here lately. Chris and I are both going through some personal things that have been really wearing down on us emotionally. Things that require us to be reminded daily that God has a beautiful and marvelous plan for our lives, even if we can't see it at the moment and His plans don't seem to make any sense. And I'll be honest - some days, it's been really hard to trust and I wish those plans would just start to make sense already. 

Something about stepping into the kitchen together to cook releases a bit of the stress and heavy burdens we are carrying, if only for a time. I love cooking with Chris. The way we each have our usual duties ( I chop up and prepare the ingredients, he takes on the creative portion), we whirl around each other as we navigate in our small kitchen space. No need to focus on the tough stuff when I'm just cooking up breakfast with my favorite person.

Garbage potatoes are one of our favorite breakfast meals. It's simple-- just throw together the yummiest ingredients in your kitchen and there you have it. Bacon, eggs, potatoes, garlic, onion, green pepper, cheese. Just a big jumble of ingredients and out comes a hearty, delicious breakfast. Sometimes a little flirting in the kitchen and a little bacon grease is really helpful for leaving life's problems in a heap on the floor for a bit. 



  1. yum - that looks delish! and girl, i can relate to your first paragraph so much. thankful that God does have a plan like you reminded us both. i heart you.

  2. Anything potato is one of my weaknesses. Those look scrumptious. Maybe one of these days when I can cook myself a somewhat decent meal I'll try it!

    I know we only know each other through blogging and other social media, but I really do wish you and Chris the best. I'm sure at times it's hard to trust in God's plans, but I'm a firm believer.

    Wishing you the best!

  3. That look yummy, I know what you mean about cooking with the love of your life in a kitchen, it does really release the stress like nothing else. And yes God does have a plan, sometimes we just have to run on his time not ours, and know that he has a plan in the works. God bless all will work itself out in time.

  4. Your garbage potatoes sound SO yummy!

    Also, I'm sorry to hear you're both going through rough times, but I hope you will be finding your way out of them soon.

    Oh, and I don't think I've ever told you this, but I really think you and your hubby just look like you go together. I know you're already married, but you two just seem like you're two puzzle pieces that fit together. Anyways, I think you guys are darling<3

  5. That looks yummy, Lindsay. I have a weakness for potatoes, and if you add cheese and bacon then they're even more delicious. I'll definitely have to try your suggestions sometime.

    I'm really sorry to hear you're going through a tough time. I can relate right now to your struggles with keeping faith. I've been going through the same difficulty lately. I don't often talk about my faith, because I often feel like a fraud. I don't feel secure enough in my faith very often to speak to others about it. I started rereading a favourite book last night. It's called "In my Father's House" and is by Corrie Ten Boom. Perhaps you know it? It was really uplifting and encouraging for me to begin reading it again. Corrie experienced great sorrows and hardships in her life. She lived through both world wars and was in a concentration camp. But through it all she kept faith. It made me ashamed to read it, because compared to her, my trials and challenges fade into insignificance. If God was able to bring her through, protected and strengthened by her faith, then He can bring me through too.

    I hope and pray that everything works out for you, and that things improve soon.

  6. i LOVE cooking with marvin!!! it's definitely a lot more fun than cooking alone. and i agree, cooking (and doing dishes) is such a stress reliever for me! well except for when the food doesn't turn out right, then it's kinda stressful b/c then i need a back up plan for dinner haha!!

  7. I'm sorry to hear you're going through a tough time. Just remember to rely on each other - you're both strong and together you'll get through the things that are wearing you down.

    Keeping you two in my thoughts.

  8. ::HUG:: I know exactly what you mean about cooking together. Keeping you two in my thoughts.

  9. lovin' the garbage potatoes. sorry you are in a painful place. we all go through it in one way or another. praying direction and peace over you both!

  10. those look so yummy! so good that you connect with one another when times get tough - many people (myself included!) have a tendency to isolate themselves.

    i'll be praying for you both!

  11. These look sooo good! The idea of just throwing lots of goodies in with potatoes (which are, in my book, always a winner) is just completely appealing to me!

    I pray you two will find peace soon about whatever it is that's bringing stress. We serve a gracious God who has paid a huge price so we can have access to Him, in prayer, through His Son. Every time we pray "in Jesus name," I remember that I can only come to the Father because Christ's sacrifice of Himself has made me clean to appear before Him and ask Him anything!

  12. Those look delish, and I hear ya about cooking with your babe in the kitchen. I dunno what it is, but I love it too :)

  13. I am sorry to hear you guys are going through some hard times right now. I hope things get better soon!

  14. There really is nothing like escaping into the kitchen together to have the stress go away, if only briefly.

    Hope you both stay strong. I just read 2 Peter 3:8-9 this morning (for my impatience) and it really put things in perspective for me, that I hope I can remind myself of when I get frustrated with how long 'things' are taking in my life.

    Hope you can find comfort in them, as well. :)

    Emily w/Amazing Grapes

  15. :( i'm so sorry friend. the bad times are tough when you're the only one going through them, but when your hubs is too it's gotta be the pits. praying for strength for both of you!
    also? if i had a Pinterest those spuds would totally be on my food board. will make these as soon as mah stove is fixed (that's another looong story).

  16. Girl I hear you on the rough season thing. I could've written that whole paragraph myself. This post makes me smile. It's so good to enjoy the little things in life when life has been rough lately. :)

  17. Sorry love, I feel you on the rough season. We're staring in the face of some stressful plans and it's had, I guess. These potatoes look delish, though!

  18. those taters look amazing! keep your chin up... speed bumps are only curveballs in life!

  19. I can completely relate! Andrew and I make a point to cook together almost every night-- it's a total wind down from long work days and gives us a chance to catch up. We usually put some fun music on, grab a glass of wine, and make it a full out occasion.

    On a side note, I hope things start looking up! What ever tough times you've been dealing with will always make you a stronger person!

  20. Lindsay---
    Those look super yummy. But question:
    Do you use real tats or frozen ones? And if they are real, what's your cooking process? Ours always take forever to get soft so we usually use frozen.



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