Aloha From A Sponsor: Little Bird Creations

What do you get when you combine felt, tons of beautiful color and a woman with a huge heart? It's not kindergarten class, it's something with fewer sticky lunch boxes and more inspiration! 

Jaime is the owner and creator behind Little Bird Creations, an Etsy shop with beautifully handcrafted felt coffee coffee cuffs, embroidered necklaces and dictionary word necklaces! Check out my interview with Jaime and find out more about her inspiration and her big heart for adoption. 

Hey Jaime! Could you tell Aisle to Aloha readers three things they should know about you? 

-I'm a total geek and love watching documentaries. 

-I like sewing barefoot (as in, no shoes when pushing the pedal on my sewing machine)

-I love dark chocolate,

Your creations are so sweet and cheerful! What inspires you to create?

-Thoughts, dreams, a momentous many things can begin with a single idea and grow in ones imagination. I love it when these things take place and I am able to use my creativity to bring something from an idea into a finished product. My family and children bring out many of these whimsical and fun ideas. :)

Your shop has a deeper story than just pretty things. Could you share a bit about your heart for adoption? 

-I have had a heart for adoption and orphan care for as long as I can remember. I always knew I would grow up and adopt. As a matter of fact, adoption has always been a part of my life, as my dad is adopted! Through the last few years my shop has taken on a slightly different objective. A more intentional one to not only make fun and colorful items, but make them with a purpose. That purpose is, not only to help fundraise for our international adoption, but also to help non-profit organizations that also have the interest of orphans and forever families at heart. 

We are both big fans of color. What is your favorite color and what does it say about your personality? 

Oh many good colors in the world, how can I only pick one?! However, one constant favorite is purple. More specifically plum. Ironically, there is not much purple in my decor in my home! ;)

As far as what it would say about my personality, I would have to go with fun, creative and focused. I can be whimsical and silly, but also focused and determined. 

Thanks for hanging out on the blog today, Jaime! 

Want more of Jaime? 

Go say aloha on her blog! 

Chat with her on twitter! 

Become a fan on Facebook! 

Go shopping in her shop! 

She is generously offering 20% for Aisle to Aloha readers using the code Aloha20 at checkout! Go now! 



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