get ready for the party!

Thanks for weighing in on my linkup debate. I am super excited that so many of you want to join in the "It's the Little Things" link up party!

So, this coming Friday-- September 9-- will be the very first link up party here on Aisle to Aloha! Don't forget to be documenting the little things in your life that make you smile, bless you, make your day better. My three three goals of this link up party are:

{one} Help us to focus on and remember the small ways we are blessed during the week. Even if it's that morning cup of coffee or a new pair of sandals.

{two} Remind us to break out that camera during the week and document every day life. This is a great way to practice your photography skillz. For some great photography advice-- check out Celebrate Life, The Pioneer Woman, and My 3 Boybarians!

{three} Make new friends! I'm excited to get to know YOU better as I visit your posts, and I really hope that you all will spend some time checking out (and commenting) on each other's "little things" posts! What's the fun in a party if no one talks to each other??

Some of you have asked about how exactly to link up.

On Friday, there will be a form for you to add your permalink. Please do not put in the URL for your blog (aka:: ) Instead, you will need to copy and paste the permalink for your particular blog post (aka::

You can find this permalink by just clicking on the title of that post.

Copy and paste the permalink into the linky form (and any other info it may ask for -- blog name, email address)

It may also give you the option to choose a photo from that post and crop it. That should be pretty self explanatory.

And you are done! If you have any questions, please let me know. Can't wait to see your posts on Friday!



  1. So excited! roll on friday ;)

  2. I am definitely looking forward to this! Since your post asking about it, it has already made me more mindfull of the little things in my life, and Saturday I noticed a billion things- while my camera was at home :( It's my new AmEx and I'm never leaving home without it again! Thank you for doing this- it has meant so much to me already!

  3. Thanks for hosting this. Super excited!

  4. So excited! This will be my first link-up party ever! And I got a brand new camera this past weekend. So I am definitely going to be trying it out this week.

  5. I love this LInk up! its so great to focus on the little things!!! I recently had a post about this!! So glad to join!!!

  6. So excited to have stumbled upon your blog! LOVE it!

  7. How exciting! Would I be allowed to vlog, if I included some pictures with the video? :)

  8. I'm so excited for Friday!!! This is such a great idea!! :)

    Jess @

  9. Super excited that you're doing this! :]

  10. Thanks for share, I will bookmark this page and use it... really very help full blog... Keep on posting stuff like this.

    Laws of prosperity

  11. I am a new follower and a new link up. I cannot find your hashtag for instagram though. look forward to getting to know you


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