Thirty-Seven Years

Today is my parents' 37th wedding anniversary. Thirty-seven. I thought I misheard my dad when we were talking earlier in the week and I said, "Twenty-seven?? or Thirty-seven??" He replied, "How old are you, Lindsay?"


They said "I do" on a cold evening in November in Cincinnati, Ohio. The only other thing I really remember about their wedding story is that my mom's bridesmaid's hair caught on fire from the candle she was carrying as she walked down the aisle. I'm sure there were other highlights. ;)

They've raised seven perfect kids ;) -- four boys and three girls. They've shown us through their actions how to love our spouses wholly and how to resolve conflicts quickly. 

My dad still goes to my mom's car door first to open it for her before she gets in. 

My mom always knows the perfect time to brew a cup of coffee for my tired dad as he works late into the night.

My dad was always quick to correct us kids when we'd talk back too harshly to his bride.

My mom still puts whole garlic cloves in her spaghetti sauce for my dad to find and eat. 

They roll their eyes at each other, and sneak kisses more often. 

They are "Nana and Papa" to almost 10 amazing grandchildren. 

Marriage was created to be a beautiful picture of the loving, grace-filled relationship between Christ and his church. In a world filled with divorce, hatred and ugliness, I'm eternally grateful for my parent's marriage, which, while flawed by sin, is still a beautiful example of that. 

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad! I love you!



  1. aww happy anniversary to your mom and dad!! and wow you come from a big family!! must have been fun!! :D

  2. Happy anniversary to your mom and dad! What a beautiful couple and a gorgeous post! Here's to many more for them!

  3. Happy anniversary for such beautiful couple!! ♥♥

  4. Wow, Lindsay! What a sweet post. That will definitely make your mom cry :)

  5. What a great tribute, Lulu! Much of my dating relationship with your brother was spent around your kitchen table and I saw first hand what a trluy Godly loving marriage should look like. I not only fell in love with him, but with your family as well and had no doubts that he would be an amazing hsuband and fother with such great examples. Love you Mom and Dad and Happy Anniversary!

  6. i have no idea why this touched me so much, but i'm sitting at my desk crying. Congratulations to your parents. You are a very lucky girl.

  7. What a lovely post! 37 years is a wonderful accomplishment in today's world.

    You are lucky to have been blessed with parents like that who set a great example.

    Happy Anniversary to them!

  8. such a beautiful post of your mom and dad! and you are right, marriage should def be celebrated - because of what it symbolizes and because of how rare it is to find loving marriages these days!

    happy anniversary to your parents, lindsay!

  9. This was so touching! Congrats to your parents!

  10. How sweet. That was lovely. Congrats to your parents!! : )

  11. Your right, you got my tears flowing Lindsay! Thank you for helping us celebrate with so many,it truly is something to shout about! I am so blessed to be married to my best friend and an amazing Godly man and father. I would not have the 7 'perfect' children, and 10 grandbebes if it weren't for him! :) Our prayer for our children and future generations is to be loved, respected & cherished so well...and so long, till death do us part.

  12. That's a touching tribute to your parents. It's a true blessing to have a godly example of what marriage is intended to be!

  13. how beautiful. i love LOVE. thanks so much for sharing honey...

  14. Happy Anniversary to your mom and dad. Lovely family.

  15. Your parents sound wonderful. Happy Anniversary to them!

  16. Aww, congrats to them! So amazing!


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