Inspire Me Monday: Dining Room Ideas

 Good morning, friends! How was your weekend? Ours was nice but cut too short since Chris had duty on Sunday.

Remember when I shared my flop of a wallpaper panel? I was sure I'd be able to fix it and make it look awesome. Nope. I tried more spray adhesive and a jar of Mod Podge, but nothing was keeping that paper from curling up. MAJOR bummer. So, I tore it down this weekend and now there's a big empty wall in our dining area.

I love the dining areas below. 

This shelf system is loverly. The wallpaper backing adds pretty texture.

Super huge wall deal clock? Super awesome. Also, I want to eat those strawberries. Mmm...

Floating shelves would be cool. I love the teal walls below. 

You've seen Joi's kitchen/dining room right? I love her plate wall. I'm seriously considering doing my own plate wall. 

I'm still a little obsessed with this whole dining room and specifically the wallpaper panel. 

Um, so what should I do? 

Sources:  1, 2, 3 & 4, 5, 6



  1. I'm loving that wallpaper panel!! And those shelves are pretty cool too! Good luck :)

  2. Buy 1" furring strips, staple them into the size you want, like 4ft by 7 ft. Buy cool fabric, plain white and paint something cool, or a neat designed fabric. Stretch it over and staple it on the back of the strips. Ta Da

  3. I love the wall clock. Bigger is better

  4. That wallpaper panel is gorgeous!

  5. you might be able to instead of using individual sheets of scrapbook paper, you might be able to find some cute wrapping paper (Martha Stewart has some cute designs) i don't really know though, i've never done anything like this.

  6. I'm a little partial to the plate wall...; )

    But, seriously, all of those photos are great!

    I just did something fun in my dining room and can't wait to share when it's complete!

    Have a great day, L!

  7. The plate wall is a neat idea. I'm looking for a whole house full of ideas, so keep them coming!

  8. I love the idea in the first one with the block shelves with patterned backs. It reminds me of the shelf you did in your bedroom.

    Also, have you tried doing the panel with fabric instead of paper? Sometimes Joanns has great deals on cute cotton fabrics and you could get a big piece and wrap it over a wood board or cardboard? Just a thought...

  9. Thanks for your ideas everyone! I might try the panel with fabric again, but unfortunately, there is a shortage of good fabric stores here. No Joanne's or anything remotely close. LOTS of island theme fabrics though-yuk.

  10. I love the wallpaper squares - great way to add texture!

    Earl Grey - a little blog full of big inspiration.

  11. I love Joi's dining room, she has made me want to have a plate wall too. I just don't have a current space for one.

    I generally order fabrics off, since there are no fabric stores near here....shipping to Hawaii might be prohibitive, I guess.

    I like the floating shelves that Young House Love has in their dining room. That's simple and pretty.

    I like the shelving with the paper in the back. Which is kinda sorta what I've done in my dining room (I just painted the backs of the shelves at the moment, although previously i had fabric in them.)

  12. Love love love the first one.


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