Inspire Me Monday: Ceiling Medallions

So, I may have decided on the solution for my dining room dilemma. In case you're not up to date on the saga, I had a disaster of a great idea, tore that down and I'm now looking at a very empty wall in our dining room. I love these images below and might just have to splurge on some ceiling medallions to hang on the wall. Technically used on the ceiling as decorative adornment, they bring the perfect architectural element to the wall as art. 

This image below is my favorite of the bunch. I think I would paint my medallions similar shades of yellow. But I wonder if that would be too much yellow (I've got the yellow bench and lots of yellow in my wave painting). Would teal be better? 

Love the rose shaped one in this image below. 

Sorry this image is blurry, I couldn't find a bigger one for you. I think you get the idea. The subtle taupe is really lovely in this living room.

What a great idea to do a color block to hang your medallions in. (Notice the garden stool that's identical to my yellow one?)

And of course, I can't forget Joi's awesome living room. 

And just to give you a visual (sorry to leave you with this sad, dark picture after all the pretty ones!), here's what we're dealing with now. Blank wall, new IKEA light pendant and a baker's rack that I want to sell but Chris likes. Ideally, I'd love to find a beautiful mid-century modern dresser for that wall. 

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, mine

Thoughts, lovely readers? Should I take the plunge? How many should I do? What sizes? Colors?? Have you ever used something out of the ordinary for wall art?

Oh, just wanna say "Aloha!" to my new followers! Thanks for jumping in on the journey with me! Just a reminder--I'll be doing another giveaway from my shop when I hit 250 followers (looks like we might get there sooner than I thought--you guys are awesome!) 

Also, I've got some fun things to share with you this week--got a sweet piece of furniture off of Craigslist this weekend and my studio is looking awesome with my new sawhorse table! :) 

Happy Monday!



  1. I think you should do it! They look really cute. I would go for a variety of different sizes with vibrant color. I like the green from the bottle on the top shelf of your baker's rack, for example. Good luck :)

  2. Yeah.. I think they look really "cool", for lack of a better word. Just curious though... where do you get them or how do you make them?

  3. I love this idea... I think I'd go with some sort of accent color (even though I love the yellow). Teal or green seem like a good choice. Good luck!

  4. Love the medallion look!!
    What a fabulous idea. I like the size mix-up and even the color shade it "pop".

    I'm with you on the baker's rack.
    A mid-century piece would look awesome there!!

  5. What a great idea, yes I totally think you should do it! I am going to keep an eye out for these at yard sales now!!

  6. love love love those yellow medallions!! what a fun idea!!

  7. i've been wanting to do this for EVER! I am going to follow your progress and totally copy you:) It's going to look fantastic.... that's the perfect spot for it.

  8. Leah--I've seen them on,, Home Depot-- if you google them, you can find them. They're a little pricey though, so that's kind of the only thing holding me back. :)

  9. these look amazing (i like the yellow but would probably pick teal or green if it was me)! have you checked SoHa in Kahala Mall? Their items can be pricey but you may be able to find something to mix up with it.

  10. Don't be afraid of too much creamy yellow! Of course, I am pretty biased. This is my living room/dining room:

  11. I love the yellow ones. I'm with you on the bakers rack; a mcm piece would look great in there.

  12. I saw mix up the colors. Yellow AND grey AND teal. Go crazy. They can always be spray painted later.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I love this idea!! I vote for green, but I LOVE green and can't get enough of it!

  15. Go for it! You know I love it!

    ; )

  16. sweet images! my fave is the one with the moss green wall and medallions! gushing!!

  17. i have a cluster of white ceiling medallions on the wall in my dining room and i LOVE them. it was so easy, too... the medallions i bought are very lightweight and i was able to just nail them straight into the wall without any adhesive or anything... then i just painted the nailheads white to blend in. has a great selection of ceiling medallions if you decide to go for it!


  18. I absolutely LOVE this! I've never seen ceiling medallions used like that! I really, really like the shades of yellow. You should definitely go for it.

  19. I know this is an 'old post', but I wondered how you attached them to your wall? Also, what is the size of your largest/smallest medallion?

    LOVE IT!


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