A Delicious + Simple Recipe For You

Oh twitter, you never fail me. I was hesitant to join but now I'm really glad I did. Got this recipe from Melanie after she tweeted about some baking she was doing and I coerced asked her for her recipe for apple crisp. After I made it last weekend, my taste buds fell in love. And she so generously allowed me to share it with you, so here we go people. The most amazing, simple apple crisp you'll ever eat. 

FIVE ingredients! FIVE! 

1 cup flour
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup of butter (usually equals 1 stick)
2-3 big apples (I'm biased towards Honeycrisp. Basically, they're the best.)
ground cinnamon (I added this to the recipe because I'm a cinnamon fanatic)

Peel your apples, and cut them into the bite size pieces. Layer them in a buttered casserole dish. 

Sprinkle cinnamon over them. As soon as you do this, the most delicious apple-cinnamon aroma will waft into your nostrils and you'll probably do a little dance. I do. 

Combine flour, brown sugar and butter into a pretty bowl of your choosing. 

Cut in butter with pastry tool (or Mr. Egg Mashy-Masher) until well mixed. There will be little crumbies when you're done. (I threw some more cinnamon in here too....cuz I'm a cinnamon fanatic.)

Pour dry mixture yumminess over the apples. 

Put in the oven at 375 degrees for 30-40 minutes or until nice and golden brown. 

Let cool for as long as you can stand it (but not too long. It's gotta be warm still!) 

Spoon a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top and try NOT to moan in ecstasy as you eat your first bite. 

Happy happy Friday to you! Hope your weekend is filled with lots of yumminess. Any fun plans? 

PS. Chris and I made my sawhorse table yesterday. It's AWESOME and I love it and I can't wait to share it with you next week! :) 

PPS. I decided to do another Aisle to Aloha Studio giveaway when I reach 250 blog followers! :) So if you like my blog and haven't started following, do it today! 


  1. omg. there aren't too many recipes we can make on these islands, due to a major lack of decent ingredients. i am thrilled to say that i have all of these on hand! i'll make it today!! YAY! :)

    thanks for the recipe!

  2. It looks fab. Actually this recipe is really really close to the apple pie I make. Totally addicted to cinnamon too! :D

  3. That just looks DELISH!! Thanks for sharing the recipe with us ;). I didn't even have to coerce you!

  4. 1.) I'm going to make this right now! 2.) It made me happy to see that the mashy mashy egg masher made it onto the blog!

  5. this looks awesome!!

    not a fan of Cinnamon though, haha

  6. So fun to see my recipe here! Looks so tasty, especially when pretty pictures are taken (I need a new camera and your great pics always remind me of this!) =) Thanks for posting!
    P.S. I'm rooting for you to get to 250, already got my sister on board! :)

  7. Yum! That looks soooooooo good!! Thanks for sharing.

  8. That looks so yummy! I make a similar one but add oatmeal to it the crisp top! YUM-O!

  9. update: i burned it & butter tastes weird here so it wasn't as yummy as anticipated haha. will try again when we get back to the states! :)

  10. Yep, that looks heavenly. And I agree...honeycrisp apples are the best!

  11. hmm we are planning to do a trial run turkey tom to prep for thanksgiving siince we're using the smoker this year and never smoked a turkey. i am thinking i'll just have to make this for dessert:-)

  12. yummy yummy! this looks delicious!!! it's one of my husbands favorite desserts! i should make it for him!!! :)

  13. This looks amazing...I can practically smell it! Now the only question is do i have enough apples in the fridge to do it myself...

  14. That looks very tasty, and yay for only 5 ingredients!

  15. I do a topping just like this as the top layer of apple pies. :) So yum.

  16. OMG, that looks so yummy! And I love apples!

  17. Oh my gosh, this looks fantastic!!!

  18. Mmmmmmmmmm this looks SO good! And I just love your whisk, haha too cute!!

  19. I'm a cinnamon fanatic too, I love ANYTHING cinnamon! I'm gonna make this, thanks!

  20. OMG just finished making this and It looks sooo good, and its like 11pm :) wanted something sweet, nothing that I wanted in the house so decided make something with apples came across this perfect. Ilove apple crisp but didn't have any oats thank you

  21. Thank you, Love this easy recipe😍

  22. Making this VERY last minute for my son's class who is learning about apples this week. My house smells AMAZING!!

  23. Wow my tummy growling..can't wait to make this..t u

  24. Made this for dessert and it was great!! I also mixed the butter mixture with my fingers.

  25. Can I keep the skin on the apples? I like that texture and taste. Or will that affect the way this bakes???

  26. It was a hit at home and work! Thanks for sharing!

  27. I just made this but I did not have a pastry tool so I had to use my hands , I think I may have mixed it too much because my topping looks a lot different than yours , hopefully it turns out ok .

  28. Do you know if you could make this ahead, refrigerate and then bake the following day?

    It's the perfect thing to make the next time I host my book club but I don't think I'll have time to put this together along with dinner the night of. Thanks!

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Looks Delish.Can't wait to make this dessert

  31. Looks Delish.Can't wait to make this dessert

  32. What kind of flour? Why do people not specify?

  33. I absolutely love this recipe it's delicious and super easy we make it all the time!!!!

    Thanks so much for sharing

  34. I absolutely love this recipe it's delicious and super easy we make it all the time!!!!

    Thanks so much for sharing

  35. Thank you so much for the recipe..is easy and I have this ingredients..I love cinnamon too...

  36. Thank you so much for the recipe..is easy and I have this ingredients..I love cinnamon too...

  37. throw some rhubarb or strawberries in as well.. or pineapple

  38. just put this in the oven...Thank You

  39. Lindsay next time have some cinnamon Ice Cream to go with it.

  40. Something else to try ~~ half Bisquick and half oats instead of the flour, so good, great with coffee for breakfast.

  41. did i miss the shorter condensed version of this recipe? smh

  42. I've been looking for a easy apple crisp recipe & I'm anxious to try it. Thank you for sharing

  43. i tried this it is so good thank you,

  44. Love this apple crisp. So easy to make. So yummy with ice cream or whip cream. Family really loves it.

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    تخصصنا : تصنيع وتصميم وتشييد مظلات سيارات - مظلات مواقف حكوميه وخاصه - مظلات سيارات فلل
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    جوال 0534466689


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