Where I Blog

Good morning friends! Inspire Me Monday is going on hold for this week. Instead, I'm participating in a Link Party over Centsational Girl! Kate is hosting a "Where Do You Blog?" party and I thought I'd take the chance to show you guys the spaces I write to you from. 

(If you're coming over from the link party, aloha and welcome! Make yourself at home and click around a bit!)

I spend most of my time blogging from our lime green couch. Even though no one else is home, for some reason, I just like being in the center of the house. Just prop my feet up on our LACK coffee table and spend time researching, editing pics and writing posts. 

(Oh, and that wheat colored throw from Target is pretty much the softest thing known to man. Looove it.)

I also write a lot from bed. Wake up a few hours after Chris has left for work, grab my Mac, check email and start writing up the post for the day. If I stay in bed too long though, I get scared that someone will ring my doorbell and I'll have to rush around to put on decent clothes. (Is that anyone else's irrational fear?)

In fact, here's a shot of me right now (in the reflection our closet o' mirrors). Sheesh! That mirror needs some Windex. It's only 7:30am on this side of the globe so don't judge the fact that I'm still in bed.

I pretend that I would love a beautiful office space to blog from, but reality is, even if I did have one, I'd end up gravitating towards one of these two spaces anyway.

So, where do you blog from?? Join the party or hop in on the conversation here. 


  1. I laughed when I read this post, because, um...I was also in bed checking email and drafting a post for my blog at 7:30am this morning. But no worries...we're on Island Time, right? ;)

    (Funny, we have mirrored closet-doors too, and I was thisclose to taking a photo of myself in bed with my laptop and posting that, but I changed my mind. I'm definitely not as cute as you are in the morning!

  2. thanks for stopping by my blog! LOVE your space and your paintings!!!

  3. I too have a super soft, cuddly throw that I cannot live without, especially in the winter. Blogging in bed looks like so much fun!

  4. Cute!!! Thanks for sharing. And, yes, I do the very same thing! Those blog-from-bed mornings are dangerous. My poor dog doesn't even get to go outside until I'm finished! I've got the glasses thing, too. You are a brave girl! I don't think I look that cute in the morning. (Are those peacock feather drapes from Pier 1? I almost got those!!!)

  5. I love blogging in bed - totally love your home.

  6. OK, so you've only chosen the most stylish and comfy places to blog, I love it ! And I just adore your pillow shams, where are they from ?
    Thanks for linking up today, this is so fun!

  7. Your spaces are beautiful! And your artwork is fantastic. I love the yellow two birds print! I'm definitely a new follower :) Thanks for visiting over at Ten June!

    xo- M

  8. I am all about a throw when I'm on the sofa!! Such a sweet blog!! Thanks for stopping by ED&D ; )

  9. Your spaces are so fresh and modern. And all of you who blog from bed are making me want to try it.


  10. Okay, so I love your pillow case on your bed!! So cute!


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