Some Reminders

 Not much going on today but just wanted to give you a few reminders.

Numero uno. The Bowie Crofton and Severna Park Pregnancy Clinic in Maryland is doing wonderful things to change  the lives of women and save the lives of the innocent unborn. Please consider sponsoring me as I join in the Walk and Run for Life in September. It doesn't take much to make a difference ($1.70 buys a pregnancy test and free counseling session for a scared and confused young woman!). Currently I'm at 11% of my goal and I'd love to be able to meet my goal of $750 by September 18th! Click here to check it out and donate (it's easy!)

Numero dos. Enter the giveaway people! Yesterday I told you about the fabulous TidePools Jewelry and if you take a minute to leave a comment and enter, you can be the owner of a sweet necklace.

Numero tres. Have a great weekend! Do it.

[Enter completely random photo that has nothing to do with anything except that turtles are cool and you wish you lived in Hawaii.]


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