Paul & Vonnie

When I was home for the week at the end of July, I got a chance to visit with my grandparents. At one point I asked them if they read my blog updates that I send to their email. 

My loving but sometimes gruff Papap said, " Oh, no, I don't read that stuff." 

As my sweet Grandma walked up, I thought, Surely, my supportive grandmother reads my blog.

To my question, she replied, "Oh, honey, no." 

Despite their apparent lack of blog-love for me, they remain two of the most precious people in my world. It's hard to see people you love grow old and struggle with their health and every time I'm home, I take the opportunity to hug them a little longer and spend more time in conversation with them. 

This photo of them when they were young gives me warm fuzzies whenever I see it. I just got a copy of it from my mom to hang in our house when we get back to Hawaii. 

Enjoy your weekend! I hope you get to spend it with precious family and friends!


  1. I love this post and this picture! I have such a soft spot for old pictures, especially of two young people in love!! What a precious thing to hang on your wall! They are so cute! Your post also gave me warm fuzzies!

  2. PapPap looks like Adam... : ) Love your post.

  3. Just read the blog for the first time and are sending some "blog love" your way. We love the hugs, the kisses and the conversation and we love you dearly.

  4. Awww, they're reading along now!!!

    Your grandparents are a gorgeous little couple now, aren't they?!

    Seriously, this post is so cute...I am getting ready to send my blog's link to my family and grandparents too, but I don't know if they'll feel comfortable enough to post. We'll see. ;)

    It's Aloha Friday! Hope you have a fab weekend!

  5. That is so funny. I can't believe how much your grandfather looks like Adam. It's unbelievable.


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