Love From the Youngsters!

I was so excited to jump on my computer this afternoon and see that the Young House Love post featuring my DIY artwork was up! I am a big fan of Young House Love and I was so excited that they wanted to feature my own version of the Crate and Barrel Classical Symmetry prints. Their blog is chock full of  clever DIY ideas, fantastic tutorials and beautiful mood boards.

If you're coming over from Young House Love, welcome to my blog and thanks for clicking over! I'd love for you to hang out for a little bit. Here's a little round-up of my favorite posts in case you're wondering where to start.

My three favorite DIY posts are-- the most recent Sea Glass Stripes, where I added a light and airy pattern to my parent's bathroom cabinet. Number two, a DIY fail turned success easily became one of my favorite projects to date. And thirdly, an oldie but a goodie, the yellow table-turned-entryway bench!

If you're interested in seeing some of my artwork, I'd recommend my most recent lime green, black and white triptych, my dahlia inspired painting or this palm silhouettes quadtych. I am working on setting up my Etsy shop so keep an eye out for that in September!

And finally, if you want to get to know me a little better, check out these posts.  The day Chris came home from deployment was magical. I counted down the days until he got home in a very, um...interesting manner. And this is just one of the many reasons I miss him so much when he's gone!

Again, thanks for stopping by! If you're a new follower or just passing through, I'd love for you to say hello!


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  3. Love the artwork...saw the post on their blog this morning...imagine it being yours! Small world.

  4. I've been a silent stalker of your blog for a while, but when I saw you on YHL I had to stop by to say 'hi'! Congrats!!

  5. I love this little get-to-know-me post!! I saw your work on their blog this morning, as well, and I thought I'd jump over and see what else you have! I really like that bench you did, too! I'm going to have to check out all the links you shared and see what else you've got. By the way, beautiful art piece; I'll be looking for you on Etsy!! : )

  6. I saw your DIY art over at Young House Love, and have to say that they are absolutely gorgeous! It is definitely so satisfying to hang your own artwork on the walls! Glad I found your blog!


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