What's in a [Etsy shop] Name??

 So, I'm working this afternoon on some things for the upcoming opening of my Etsy shop (hopefully in September!) and I need some opinions from my fabulous readers and future customers. :)

Should I keep my shop name the same as my blog name (it would be AisletoAloha) so it is recognizable and consistent OR should I give my shop another moniker that reflects the product and vibe I'm going for?

My fears are that with option A I won't attract people looking for paintings/ art and with option B, my blog and shop will be disjointed, which I don't want.

Please weigh in with your opinion in the comments below. Thanks guys!


  1. I like the idea of keeping aloha in whatever you end up naming the shop. It keeps a thread of consistency between the blog and shop, but gives you some flexibility as to a name that works with your products.

  2. I agree with Rebecca... it kind of gives you the best of both!

  3. I'd keep Aloha in there but incorporate some other word/phrase that reflects your products. Basically, what Rebecca said :)

    So a mix of A & B!

  4. I think the Aloha suggestion is good so that you can develop a consistent "brand". Looking forward to seeing more about your shop!

  5. I think you could go the aloha route with the name...but i wouldn't feel like you have to if you didn't want to. If you come up with a name that represents your overall painting style, or the types of paintings you will be selling, and it has nothing to do with aloha then go with it. Many people looking to buy your paintings on etsy may not ever see your blog, so don't feel you need to be consistant if you don't want to or if it doesn't correctly represent your work. Your blog title represents your life, but maybe not your paintings. Just a thought.

  6. I think a little consistency would probably be helpful to your readers!! = )

    I'm glad I found your blog!

  7. I like consistency!! Love your blog!


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