[over the weekend] A Trip To Beantown

Chris' oldest brother's family lives in Boston and since we are only an hour and half from them right now, we zipped on up there after school on Friday.

We hung out with Paul Revere...

...and devoured cannoli's in the Italian district. 

The boys tried to figure out how to climb inside a massive macaroni noodle. (And considered launching me into it.)

We spent Saturday afternoon on the Boston Commons, listening to some Big Band swing, 

... eating a gourmet picnic dinner...

... playing with Lucy...

...and waiting for "Shakespeare on the Commons" to start. We saw Othello, which was thoroughly depressing, as all good tragedies are, I suppose. 

By far, our favorite part was the time we got to spend lovin' on Lucy. We hadn't seen her since she was about three months old so it was like meeting a whole new person. 

Thanks Kip and Beth for a fabulous weekend!


  1. Boston is great and what better way to spend it than with Kip, Beth and little Lucy! Love that smile.

  2. So funny you made this post after I found your blog. My hometown! Miss that city so much! Hope you enjoyed yourself!

  3. We had a great time with you guys! Glad you got to see our town and spend time with our little lady :)

  4. Hi Lindsay,

    Newbie here! I've lurked for a couple of weeks and decided it was time to say hello. :) I can't remember how I found your blog - I think it was from one of those fantastic DIY blogs out there...anyway, I was excited to see you are also in Hawaii (I'm on Maui) and an aspiring artist, too! I am working on an ETSY shop as well (so crazy, these parallels!) after selling my art on eBay for years.

    Anyway, just wanted to say hi and introduce myself. It's nice to 'meet' you! ;)


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