[here and there] fireworks and aviators

 My sunglasses broke about a month and a half ago. For about a month, I was wearing them around with scotch tape holding them together. (Yes, I was THAT nerd.) And then on a shopping trip to IKEA on the East Coast, I gave them to my 18 month old niece to play with. Now they're gone but I think Chris' aviators look better on me anyway.

So Chris' ship is on three section duty lately, which means that he's home for two nights and then has to stay on the ship overnight on the third night. I hate it but we try to make the best out of it. On duty nights, I usually bring him dinner on the ship. He often requests enchiladas and I make him tell the other officers that that's not the only dish I can make... just the duty night favorite. :)

I lug my tote bag filled with food to the ship. We eat in the wardroom and the other night we even played Bananagrams with a few of the other officers on duty. Love that game. Have you played it?

Last month I won a giveaway on MB Photography blog for an EmersonMade clutch! If you haven't heard of EmersonMade, you are missing out. They make beautiful fabric flowers and clutches and just launched their clothing line! 

Anyway, I chose the Fireworks clutch and it came in the mail yesterday! I can't wait for a night out so I can create an outfit around it! (Ooh, girl's weekend to Maui is next weekend. That'll be the perfect time to debut it!)

Go check out MB Photography too! Melissa is a friend from high school and her work is really stunning.

I'm still hashing out all the details for the Etsy shop. Steaming ahead painting-wise but hitting a wall when it comes to the shipping end. Who knew cardboard boxes were so stinkin' expensive?? At the UPS here, I was quoted $10 per box!! I've checked out Uline.com and their stuff is less expensive but the shipping prices to Hawaii are astronomical! So, that's frustrating and I'm hoping to find a good solution soon so we can get Aisle to Aloha Studio off the ground. 

And one last thing... the Tidepools jewelry giveaway closes tomorrow night (10pm Hawaii time). So go enter! Legend has it that you can't win if you don't enter.


  1. I think your girl's night out outfit should include your new clutch (love it!), your new cardigan, and the matching painting (you can just carry it around all evening). :)

  2. I have an idea--let's become IRL friends and I can join you for your trip to Maui. I already know we'd hit it off, L! ; )

    You are so sweet to take your H dinner and then you guys are doubly cute to play banagrams...and, no, I've never played but must now!


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