Let's Brainstorm, Shall We?

Yesterday I asked for your opinions on naming my soon-to-be-open Etsy shop. I can't thank you enough for your support and encouragement through this process. It really means so much to have my readers behind me as I jump into this exciting but unknown world of selling my artwork.

The majority of you agreed that I need consistency between the shop name and the title of this blog--perhaps by keeping "aloha" as the common thread. And I totally agree.

Here are my criteria for the shop name:

Consistency between blog name and shop name
Easily readable
Recognizable as a shop selling paintings or art
Gets across the vibe I'm going for (fun, bright, modern, welcoming)

So right now I am considering the simple "AisletoAloha Studio" It's got that consistency between blog and shop (duh, it's the same name), I think it is clear that I would be selling artwork/paintings, and to me at least, the word 'studio' evokes a welcoming and creative atmosphere.

I'm really bad with making decisions. So, I need your thoughts. Does it read well? Would the name pique your interest? Let me know your opinions on "AisletoAloha Studio"

If you give that name the thumbs down, do a little brainstorming for me.  If I don't go with"AisletoAloha Studio", what should I name the shop?

And for a little added incentive to play--if you have a really awesome idea and I use it to name my shop, you will receive a free original painting once the shop opens!

Mahalo for all your help--I love you guys!


  1. 1. Do you know the name of that flower on your post? I love it. I remember seeing ones like it on our honeymoon in the Caribbean and it was our fav.

    I am not saying I don't like AisletoAloha Studio. It def fits the criteria well. But, if you want something else to throw in there too, what about Aloha Art? Will you be doing only painting or other forms of art?

  2. Hi Lindsay! Just found your blog today...love it!! As for your etsy name challenge, here are a few suggestions:

    Aloha to Art Studio
    Studio Aloha Art
    Aloha to Art Paintings
    You Had Me At Ahola Art

    Keeping with your blog theme but changing it up a bit to match your etsy store. Can't wait to visit your new shop!

  3. Crystal-the flower is called a plumeria. There are trees all over HI with different variations of these flowers (deep magenta, bright yellow, light pink, white, etc) They are my favorite :)

    And I will probably just stick with painting for my Etsy shop.

  4. What about Aloha Atelier? It's french for an artist's studio?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Here are a few I came up with if you decide against your first one:

    Aloha Artwork
    Aloha Spectrum Studio
    An Aloha Canvas

    Most of the titles I like even better when "by Lindsay". So "Aloha Art by Lindsay". Your name is very memorable and could be used to your Etsy advantage :)

  7. All very cute names!!! I vote for Aloha Art by Lindsay! I like your name included, makes it personal!

  8. I like with the by Lindsay as well! Just a thought, will you still like the name if you happen to change duty stations and you are no longer in the aloha state? Though I guess you probably wouldn't change your blog title just because of a relocation...

  9. I think its the 'to' in AisletoAloha Studio that makes it hard to just roll off the tongue. Maybe, 'Aloha Aisle Studio'? or 'Aloha! Gallery' Try to think of your business' logo too. The color/design of your studio's sign can help you come across fun, bright, and welcoming. and simpler/catchy names are easy to remember for people who want to rant and rave about you! :D

  10. I have no suggestions for an original name, but I'm not sure I like AisletoAloha Studio. It seems a little complex for a shop.

    Whatever you choose, I'm sure it'll be great!

    Plumeria are my favorite, too! I brought a few sprigs home last year from ABC Stores and they are growing amazingly!!!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. ok, going with the aloha theme i would have to say Aloha Artistry would be a good name. A little alliteration never hurts to make things easier for people to say and remember. Even if you use your full title (Aisle to Aloha Artistry) it makes all the A's work better together. I would just suggest that if you use the whole title use it as 3 seperate words rather than AisletoAloha, because as Allison said, the to (when it is lumped together) makes it hard to say.

  13. how about "aisles (or isles) of aloha studios" ? i hope i win. cool stuff.

  14. The Aloha Aesthetic with a short version/logo of AlAes? I do like the You had me at Aloha idea too. I would vote something with just Aloha in it and not the aisle part.

  15. Before I read all of these (and there are some good ideas) I was just thinking of keeping it simple and calling it "Aloha Studio" or "Aloha Studio Art"... and I like the "by Lindsay" as a tagline.

  16. I think

    "AlohArt Studio"

    is really cute and catchy! I love the combo of the words. Hope it helps!


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