Wanna See Some New Paintings?

 I feel like a horrible wife. Currently our bedroom looks like a suitcase exploded on the floor (which is exactly what happened) and our kitchen is still void of food because four days after our arrival back home, I still have not made it to the commissary. Why?

Because I've spent the last two days painting my fingers off. :) And having fun doing it. And don't worry, Chris doesn't think I'm a horrible wife--he assured me several times during our Panda Express dinner last night while I apologized for not feeding him. 

So, yeah, I'm working on stuff for the Etsy shop. It's opening soon people. In just a few weeks. So get your credit cards and Paypal accounts ready. :)

Wanna see a few of the paintings I finished? I'll let you get a sneak peek since you are such amazing, faithful readers. 

These three are all 16x20 with 1 7/8" sides (which is pretty thick and looks awesome). I have some other sizes of canvases coming in the mail, which I'm excited to work on. 

Recognize this one? Seems like a lot of people like my dahlia painting so I created a different version for the shop. Each dahlia is a different hand mixed color. 

This one is a really yummy buttery yellow (handmixed by moi) and the birdies are a dark charcoal gray. At first I envisioned them as being love birds but I realized that they just look like they're having a philosophical debate instead. 

So for right now, they are just hanging out together in my guest bedroom- turned- studio. They've got a few more buddies coming along to hang out soon.

I hope people like my paintings because I really have fun painting them. If no one buys them, I'm just going to have a whole wall full of canvases I guess. 

Seriously though, thanks for all your support. I really appreciate all the input you guys gave on the shop name. After much debate and asking many friends, family and strangers their opinion, I decided to stick with Aisle to Aloha Studio. Each one of your suggestions was great but this was the only one that seemed to stick in my head. Hope it sticks in yours too! 

Come back tomorrow morning for a really fabulous giveaway! I'm so excited to introduce you guys to this vendor and if you don't watch carefully, I may just enter myself in the giveaway to win this prize! :)

[Hey! Have you thought about sponsoring me in the Walk and Run for LifeYou can save lives with just a few clicks! We're at 11%! ]


  1. These are so beautiful Lindsay! I'll have to come over and check them out in person...the pictures never do any of your art justice! I predict another purchase in my future!!

  2. great job Lindsey! They are all awesome, but i absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the first one! the birdie one is so cute too! =)

    Im trying to think of what I can have you do in my dining room! =)

  3. These are GORGEOUS! Love the style. Especially in love with the dahlia one. I was supposed to have dahlias for my wedding bouquet (in similar colors too) but there was a storm wherever they were growing and my florist said they were ruined. Guess that's the fun of living (and getting hitched) in Hawaii. :)

    Beautiful work. Can't wait to see more of your stuff!


  4. must.have.a.painting! love them! :)


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