Inspire Me Monday moment and [over the weekend]

Not a full Inspire Me Monday post today, but I thought I'd share something funny from last week and some pics from our weekend in MD.

I went shopping in Old Navy last week while Chris was in school and I stumbled upon this cardigan. 

Um, does it remind you of anything??

I just had to buy the sweater that was obviously inspired by my dahlia painting. ;) Here I am modeling it as we walked into downtown Newport a few nights ago. 

And I wore it again when we went out in downtown Annapolis with some friends and family this weekend.

Speaking of this weekend, let's speak about this weekend. We went back down to MD so Chris could have some time to visit with his family before we head back to Hawaii. 

Chris got in some good brother time...

Let's try that again... thaaat's better. 

We spent a lot of time on the boat (complete with hair that makes me look like Pebbles).

Chris jumped right back into wake boarding after a year away, but said he still prefers the call of the ocean waves. 

We took a side trip to my parents house and got to spend a little time goofing off with our ridiculous nieces and nephew. 

And no trip home is complete without some beers at Rams Head with good friends. 

What'd you do this weekend? 

(Also, go buy that sweater and every time you wear it, think of me and how much you want to buy my paintings. :)


  1. Linds,

    Thank you, thank you for letting us be a part of your short trip home with Chris. What a special treat! I love this post (partly because I'm in, and partly because of how insanely your sweater matches that painting that I love) but mostly because it was GREAT to have you both back, and have a little bit of "old times" together. Love you!

  2. Ah! I totally just bought this cardigan! It's the cutest! You've definitely found more cute ways to wear it than me though! :)


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