Inspire Me Monday: Framed.

We're home! Chris and I flew into Honolulu on Saturday afternoon (and are so thankful for the United Airlines desk agent who got me onto his flight at the last minute so we didn't have to endure the long day of travel alone!) And now that we're home, I'm hitting the ground running with tons of projects. 

One of the projects on my to-do list is to re-do our gallery wall in the living room. (Right now about half the frames are on the wall, the other half have jumped off the wall in the past 5 months and I've been too lazy to put them back up!)

Here are some of my favorite images of gallery walls around the nets. 

I love the following three for their mix of frame colors (and sizes), the pale, neutral walls and the asymmetry going on. This is the look I'll be going for and I grabbed a few RIBBA frames from IKEA while we were on the East Coast to help achieve this look. Can't wait to show you the finished product.

And of course, I had to throw in a bright one for ya.  Cuz I just luurve color.  (Though I'm craving a bit more toned down palette recently. More on that in another post.)

Do you have a gallery wall in your home? Is it filled with photos? Art? Mementos? Do you love RIBBA frames as much as I do?

[Hey! Have you thought about sponsoring me in the Walk and Run for Life? You can save lives with just a few clicks! Seriously, how cool is that?]



  1. Love gallery walls! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  2. The gallery wall is an awesome, beloved tradition in my family's homes. I just built my desk/shelves and have a huge blank wall to decorate. Can't wait to see what yours looks like :)

  3. I have a in my dining room, one in the kitchen, one outside the bathroom, and I put a wall of botanical prints in my mother in law's dining room. I love the gallery wall. I might be overdoing it.

  4. Yup, yup! I love my gallery wall in our living room! Can't wait to see yours! : )


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