What I Wore Wednesday:: Orange Ya Glad??

Aloooooha! I'm back with another link-up with What I Wore Wednesday! I've noticed that I've been so much more creative with my outfits when I post about them, soooo I hope you are enjoying these posts! ;) Here we go!


what i was doing:: post office run, errands

headband:: {cheapo plastic one from Walmart or something}
tee:: {hang ten tee from my parents' attic. Probably from the 70s.}
belt:: {TJ Maxx}
skirt:: {Charlotte Russe}
sandals:: {American Eagle}

funny story:: wearing floaty skirts when you are carrying two armfuls of boxes into the Post Office on a windy day-- not a good idea. Just sayin'. 


what i was doing:: lunch at CPK with a girlfriend, shopping for a biiirthday outfit

white tank:: {F21}
multi-colored tank:: {Navy Exchange}
belt:: {F21}
skirt:: {F21}

what i was doing:: celebrating my 25th biiiirthday! Night on the town with the girls! 

orchid:: {was on a friend's present & I thought it matched my outfit!}
lei:: {gift from another friend}
sequin tank:: {Charlotte Russe}
skinny jeans:: {F21}
the most comfy purple heels ever:: {Payless}


what i was doing:: packaging orders, post office run

headband:: {birthday present from my mama! made by muchloveilly}
tank:: {F21}
striped shirt:: {F21}
cutoff shorts:: {American Eagle}
orange satin flats:: {DSW Shoe warehouse}

two things:: I wear those denim shorts at some point every day. Just LOVE them. So you will see them a lot. In fact, you probably recognize them from my Etsy pics. ;) 

Also, I wore those orange flats for my wedding. That probably doesn't surprise you, does it?? ;) Read more about our awesome wedding here, here or here

Sooo, apparently orange/coral is my color this week. I'm loving it. I think it's definitely my color. Goes well with a tan. ;) What's your go-to color when picking out outfits?


  1. You are so cute! We have similar styles except you are wearing what I want to wear. What I actually wear is shorts, a tank, and slippers :)

  2. You look great in all your pics! Funny story seeing your lei - my dad got my mom one for Valentine's Day. We all have no idea why. Lol. She's so puzzled and had no idea what to do with it. I mean they live in SC. It was a different gift idea at least. ;-) I love your birthday outfit!

  3. As always, your too adorable Lindsay!! Love that headband, actually really love the whole outfit...I think you should take me shopping...I wanna be like you! LMAO...XOXO's ps, your bday outfit, was just as cute in pictures as in person! Oh, BTW, that sparkly shirt looks way better on you than me...haha

  4. you look adorable! ok, fess up: who takes your pics? or are you using a tripod? i need some help in the photography department!

  5. i LOVE all the beautiful colors to your outfits!! you are adorbs!!

  6. LOVE all of those outfits!



  7. I LOVE your birthday outfit-fun mix of colors. HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY!(ALthough I did msg you on Twitter that day:))
    Glad to see you linked up again

  8. Ah! Linds, you are so adorable. I love all your bright colors!!

  9. Loving the striped sweater and the bright flower headband! You pull it off very well... so adorable!

  10. I love all these bright and fun colors Lindsay!!! PS Your birthday shoes are SUPER cute!! I heart payless!!!

  11. you're adorable, as usual! :) the first outfit is my favorite! (and i saw your tweet about panama city; we live just a few hours from there. there are definitely some tourist-y parts, but there are also some really pretty beach areas. it's all about finding the right place... good luck!)

  12. your color combo's are genius! I look forward to seeing them each week! ;-)

  13. You must have such a cool mama to buy you such a cute headband!

  14. I am so jealous of you right now and your summer outfits. I had to pull out gloves, winter coat, boots and a scarf AGAIN this morning. It's pretty much a blizzard here in MN. Please enjoy the sun for us cold folks. We haven't seen it in a few days!!

  15. Your Bday outfit is soooo adorable. I'm surprised those purple shoes are comfy, because they look so good. the combos are great!

  16. Love your outfits this week! Your hair looks so adorable with headbands, too! Love the one from Ilene. My go-to color is always grey - how sad is that? I just realized it a couple weeks ago when I was staring at clothes in my closet. 5/6 of my wardrobe is grey. I gotta change this. haha

  17. I love all the COLOR you incorporate! LOVE the orange and purple shoes!!!

  18. LOVE those orange flats! So cute!
    My go-to colors are black (boring, I know) or an aqua color.

  19. I LOVE all the bright colors! You are so totally cute!

  20. Adorable! So jealous that you are enjoying warm weather and it is snowing here in NY today.
    My go to color- sadly, black. Especially in the winter. It goes with everything. But honestly, I think that sums up so many women here in NY- we love to wear dark colors. I vary it a lot more in the summer. Love the orange shoes!

  21. so i loved every single outfit 'cause they're all bursting with color!! and you totally rocked the poppy headband - thanks for the shout-out. :)

    you look b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l!

  22. these are all so beyond adorable!! I especially like the 2nd one!

  23. Happy Birthday !
    I love your outfits ! So fun and colorful !
    My rule right now is to not buy black and buy spring or summer clothes :)
    Love you blog and i want to live in Hawaii !
    Come follow me and say hi !

  24. you are too stinkin' cute. Your colorful pics make me want to either dress with brighter pops of color or move to hawaii (maybe both?!) I wear too much beige/navy/gray- safe colors! Ha!

    Just followed your blog- excited to catch up on older posts- love love love the design!

  25. I love all your bright outfits! I'm such a drab dresser. I'm sure it doesn't hurt that you live in THE most colorful place on earth. Love it.

  26. All of your outfits look so fun!

  27. So cute! I love each one of your outfits, but your last one is exactly what I want to wear all summer. I am on a search for a red and white striped top and the perfect jeans shorts. I might have to check out American Eagle. You are adorable!

  28. You are too cute! Love the name of this post. Cracks me up! Love the hang ten tee and the second outfit!!! I LOVE that second outfit! Great style girlie! :)

  29. Love all your outfits but the last one was my favorite! So cute & casual all in one!

  30. These colors look fantastic on you!

  31. coral has been my color lately too! you & i have the same coloring - i think coral/orange looks good on us!

  32. Um, I adore Tuesdays outfit and your birthday outfit! I love stripes - can't get enough of them! That and mustard yellow...

  33. first, you are just adorable. honestly, i'm a little jealous of both your clothes and your location. i love all the color you put into your outfits, but it's not too much. definitely an inspiration for my drab grey outfits! my fav is the bday outfit :)

  34. Ahhh, wind and skirts are baaaad. I mooned an entire gas station once when my hands were full of the Dunkin Donuts I was nicely buying for coworkers. As soon as I got the dress down, I slowly turned around ... and no one was gassing up. I have NO IDEA how it was empty, but I was very, very happy. No needs to be my thonged ass, thankyouverymuch.

  35. coral is def. your color, girlfriend {no one says girlfriend, do they? my bad.}

  36. Coral is definitely your color! I think my favorite outfit was the first one (even though I do love the purple pumps and orange flats). So cute!

  37. LOVE all your fun, cute outfits! :)

  38. Looking cute! I'm loving those purple heels!

  39. You are so adorable! Love the outfits... and love those orange flats!! to die for!

  40. oh i totally understand about the floaty skirt problem! I wear skirts and dresses to work all the time, then I have to load kids in wheelchairs into our buses, so bad when its blowy outside! I really should dress more sensibly!

    LOVE your purple birthday shoes!

    Hope you had a great birthday!


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