Happy Birthday April Babies!

Wowza, it's almost April! Time to wish the April birthday girls a very happy birthday! The girls below are part of the Love and Envelopes birthday club, so head over to their blogs to say hello (and maybe browse through their shops while you're at it!). 

Remember that the Birthday Club will be opening up again in June, so if you'd like to join in the fun, you'll get a chance to do so then! 

Nicole P. 
Birthday:: April 4th

Erin P.
Birthday:: April 5th
Blog:: Pughs News

Chrissy F.
Birthday:: April 10th

Jaclyn Y.
Birthday::April 14th
Shop:: Jaclyn1423

Holly C.
Birthday:: April 16th

Jana K.
Birthday:: April 17th

Sunshine T.
Birthday:: April 23rd

Claire L.
Birthday:: April 27th

Happy Birthday, girls! Hope your month is filled with sweet celebrations, yummy treats and of course, fun mail from friends all over the world! 

PS. Come back later today for a super pretty edition of Color Wheel! If you read yesterday's post, I bet you can guess which color I'm featuring! :) **EDIT** I lied... my computer is giving me a hard time this morning, so that post will have to go up another time. C'est la vie! 


  1. Oh hurray! Thanks so much, Lindsay :)

  2. This is too sweet! Have a great day honey!

    Did you hear my good news yesterday? Kori xoxo


  3. This is too sweet! Have a great day honey!

    Did you hear my good news yesterday? Kori xoxo


  4. Thanks for the early birthday wishes!!! I am so excited for April.

  5. happy birthday april gals!! wishing you a great one. :)

  6. Thanks for helping set up such a fun club! Yay April babies!!!


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