Saturday Snapshot:: Visiting Chris

Happy Saturday! I'm linking up with Kim's Saturday Snapshot link- up partaaay

Last year this week, I was visiting Chris in Japan! (Read more about that here and here!) This is my favorite shot from that week. We were waiting for some friends to meet up with us and were goofing off with the security mirrors in a random store.  (Do you like Chris' sweet deployment 'stache? Ha!)

It was a sweet, sweet week together and my heart smiles whenever I think about it. We are hoping, praying and anticipating getting to meet up again in an undisclosed amazing location in May. :) The ship's schedule can always change, so if you could pray with me that our meet-up would work out, that would be awesoooome. I miss my hubby.

Got any fun plans today? I'm headed to a friend's wedding and I'm super excited to celebrate and hit the dance floor tonight! 

PS. I'm guest posting over on Beth's blog today! Come take a tour with me through my favorite city in the world! :) 


  1. Loved clicking through and reading about your trip to Japan! I am in total shock over everything going on over there right now. :(

    Are you trying to meet up at a certain place with Chris in May?

  2. I've just got errands and work to do today! I hope you have a fun time at the wedding!! :)

  3. What a cute pic!

    My thoughts are with everyone that's been affected by the earthquake and tsunami. Such a scary thing!

  4. Glad to see you posting because that means you're safe and sound. Hope you have a good time this weekend at the wedding.

  5. aw, that's so sweet. you two are sweet together!! i know you can't really talk about it, but when does his deployment end?

  6. awww you guys are adorable!! and i am soo praying that you can meet up in may!! that is sooo soon girl!! :)

  7. I'm praying for you and Chris to have a happy meet up in May as well. And for all the people affected by yesterday's quake and tsunami.

  8. Fun shot! I will definitely be praying that your meet-up will work out. :)

  9. Very cute picture! :) :) I'll definitely be praying that you get to go visit your hubby!!! :)

  10. love your blog! you and your hubs are adorbs! xo

  11. Be proud of that 'stache! Joe tried to grow one in college just to be dumb, and realized he was incapable. haha Instead, just a sick-looking beard...

  12. praying for you and the ability to meet up with your husband!

  13. love it. thanks for linking up! :) see you in less than a month ;)

  14. This is hilarious!
    {stopping by from the party!}


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