Colorful Skirts & Beautiful Sisters.

My sisters and I threw a baby shower for our sister-in-love, Melinda last week. It was so fun to celebrate Luke and Melinda's little "Sidekick", as they call him/her!

 I wore my very favorite skirt. It's so colorful and makes me instantly happy when I wear it. Plus... it's got pockets!! 

earrings:: {F21}
top:: {gift from friend}
skirt:: {F21}
leggings:: {Charlotte Russe}
shoes::{borrowed from sis-American Eagle}

I know I posted this photo last week, but I wanted to share it again. I love my sisters. These women are so beautiful, inside and out. They are nurturing, creative and caring. They are deep and loving and I am so thankful for each one. 

Do you have sisters? Are you close to them? I think I'd be dubbed the "crazy one" in the group (as evidenced by the above photo!) There's always gotta be one, right? 

Happy Wednesday, dear friends!


  1. cannot wait for april, that's all. as you were. ;)

  2. Oh my goodness. You and your sisters look so. much. alike!

  3. i don't have sisters, but i thank the Lord that he gave me tONS of cousins who lived next door growing up and others who came to visit often, so they became my sisters!

  4. I never got blessed with a sister! However, I was extremely close to my girl cousins growing up, so I count them as my sisters. :)

  5. first hooray for skirts with pockets! i don't know why that idea took so long to come true- it is wonderful!

    i have one sister and we were not close growing up. not. at. all. but i'm so thankful that the older we've gotten, the closer we've become!

  6. great skirt! and i love that you call your sister-in-law, sister-in-love. that is precious!

  7. I have two awesome sisters..who are my bestest friends in the whole wide world...I miss them so much ..being a world away and all...but honestly i think that helped the friendship more ;)

  8. LOVE your outfit! Cute, cute :]
    And I love my sisters... one is a year younger than me, and we're like night and day, but she's my go-to for anything. The other is a decade younger than me and is the sweetest girlie I know :]

  9. Ha, I love the last photo! My sis and I have become closer over the years and are both a bit crazy!

  10. Fun photos and cute skirt!:D

    ***** Marie *****

  11. I absolutely adore your outfit! I love all the pretty colors in the skirt. :)

    I have four younger sisters. I love them all to death. :)

  12. Hiiii! I'm a new reader!
    That is all.


  13. i second jenny's comment!! love it {and you}!

  14. Love the skirt and the pictures of all your beautiful sisters.


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