The Wilkins Come to Visit

We had a great time hosting Chris' family over Thanksgiving two weeks ago. Our tiny house was bursting at the seams with 8 people, including our 21 month old niece, Lucy. Lots of fun and chaos to be had! Here are some pictures from the week, mostly all taken on Beth's camera since mine was kaput. 

We spent Thursday cooking, obviously. 

We did some hikes. Lucy was a good hiking buddy. 

The boys did Stairway to Heaven. Some 2,000 steps leading up to an old Navy satellite. Ridiculous views. I'm glad they're still alive. I have no desire to ever do this hike. 

Lots of fun playing with sweet Lucy. 

On the East side of the island, where a lot of LOST filming took place. We're standing in the area I saw the last episode being filmed--you know the fight between Locke and Jack? Yeah, that scene.

  Of course, shave ice and silliness.

Had to get some surfing in. 

We rented a pontoon boat one day and went out to Kaneohe Bay where there is a mile long sandbar. Picturesque perfection. 

After a dawn patrol surf session on the North Shore the last morning, we spotted about a dozen turtles 'surfing' the waves right on the shore. Chris and his brother Bryce waded out to see them better. That, and a full double rainbow was the perfect ending to their visit! (This photo was taken with my phone--pretty impressive for a phone pic right??)

Have you had family visit lately? Are you going home for Christmas? We are staying here, which I'm actually pretty sad about. I could really go for some time with my side of the fam and some snow too!


  1. love that photo of you and Chris on the boat! so cute!

  2. That is an adorable photo! I'll be staying here in Charleston for Christmas too, and normally it's really warm here, but lately it's been FREEZING! :-)

  3. Looks like an amazingly fun time! I'm hopping on a plane to France on Thursday to go visit my parents for the holidays... I can't wait!! :)

  4. It looks like you guys had a wonderful time! I'm so sorry you won't be able to spend Christmas with your family.

  5. What beautiful photos!!!
    I was thinking "Wow! I wish I could go to the beach in December!!" and I just realized, that I probably could!! We have been having a heat wave over here and it was in the 80s Sunday and yesterday!! Ugh! No White Christmas here! lol. :)
    Happy Holidays friend!!!

  6. Oh My Gosh, it looks so gorgeous there!!! Jealous of your beach! ;] And we have a similar thing to that satellite trail here in CO Springs... an old cog railway that goes up part of Pikes Peak... basically just a REALLY steep staircase that goes on for like a mile. The hubs and some of the other people around here like to do it, but there's absolutely NO way I'm ever going... I don't care how cool the views are!

  7. Is it weird that I got the chills looking at your photos? Hawaii is just so magical. Thanks for sharing your adventures!

  8. It looks like you guys had a wonderful time! I'm sure they love coming to visit you in Hawaii!

    We are very fortunate that our whole family lives in the same area. I don't know what I'd do if they didn't! love those peeps.

    p.s. have I told you how much I love your new blog design? It's fabulous!

  9. What absolutely gorgeous territory!

  10. you are too cute! i love these pictures~ you look so happy (and tan!!)!

  11. I really like your blog. What gorgeous photos and memories!

    I'm doing a giveaway today at You should stop by!


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