Etsy Love: Calendars for the New Year

{Yes, I know I said I'd post this on Thursday, but I just couldn't wait! Enjoy!}

A fresh slate, a new start, who doesn't love getting to pick out a new calendar as the last days of December dwindle away? As I was browsing the aisles of Etsy, I found several that caught my eye. Here are my fave calendars for your viewing pleasure.  

Patterned 2011 Wall Calendar-- by lettercdesign 

2011 Colorful Mood Calendar --by dodelinedesign

2011 Desk Calendar-- by Jess Gonocha

Which is your favorite? I can't decide between the second, patterned one  by letter C design or the beautiful, colorful one by Jess Gonocha. And seriously, there are thousands more amazing calendars on Etsy. I had a hard time narrowing it down to these. 

Are you a desk top calendar kind of girl? Or does iCal work just fine for you? Personally, I've gotta have those little boxes to fill in birthdays, special events, etc. 

Have a great Wednesday and don't forget to fill out my survey if you've got a minute!


  1. Hi Lindsay! So happy I stumbled upon your fabulous blog so I can follow you along in your adventures! Those calendars are to die for! Anything letterpress is just exquisite and vintage-y. LOVE THEM:) Happy Wednesday to you!

  2. These are all great, but the first one is my favorite!
    I'm gonna order the owl calendar from Gingiber. I've been eyeing it for months :)

  3. Cute! I always have the boring ones with lots of room to write when the next estate sale is and when the bills are due.

  4. LOVE all of these calendars~!!! i just bought a tea towel one and i am a HUGE fan of desk calendars!!

  5. These are so cute! I have a planner but still need a calendar...

  6. love these calendars - esp with the bunting flags!!!!

  7. These are great! If I didn't receive one for Christmas I'd be all over these!

  8. I love each of these! How to choose just one?! Great finds, Lindsay!

    Happy New Year! See you in 2011!

    <3 Ashley


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