Tomato Soup, Rain, a Duvet for Sale AND... Giveaway Winner!!

I can't believe I had over 90 entries for my dahlia painting giveaway. Seriously guys, thank you for all your lovely comments -- you make me so loooved! :)

And the winner of the dahlia painting is...comment #30....

Victoria from "Our Love Never Fails."!

Congrats Victoria! Email me at aisletoaloha[at] with your shipping address and I'll get it out to you ASAP! Woohoo!

Didn't win but still want a painting? Head over to my shop to check out more of my artwork. My Christmas sale is still going on and you can get 10% off using the code CHRISTMAS10 at checkout!

Now for a random compilation of thoughts from yours truly.

It's been pouring down rain for three days here in Hawaii.

And I LOVE it.

Gray skies, low clouds, the rushing sound of the water pouring off our roof. This is as close to a snow day as we get here and I'm in heaven. Unless I have to drive in it. Hydro-planing is no fun.

You know what's the best rainy day meal?

Tomato soup and grilled cheese.

There's no getting around it, it's the perfect meal.

And you know what's the best tomato soup?

Tuscan Tomato and Basil Bisque from Safeway. It's so creamy and spicy and flavorful. Run, don't walk to your local Safeway and pick some up for dinner tonight. And then email me later and thank me profusely for changing your life.

So, I bought this Seahorse by Eleanor Grosch duvet cover from Urban Outfitters a few months ago. I still love it but realize that with all the colors going on in my studio now, it's a little bit too much. So, before I try to sell it on craigslist or ebay, I thought I'd offer it up to my super awesome readers. 

I'd like to get the money back that I paid for it, so I'm going to ask $35.00 plus $6.00 for shipping (it was originally $68.00 and I bought it on sale.) It's a queen size and has never been used. It comes in a cute little cloth bag and folds up really small which is so nice for conserving space. First one to email me about it, gets it! :)

Whatcha doing today friends? I finally got my Christmas packages out yesterday so today I'll be chilling at home, enjoying the rain, maybe doing a little painting. Definitely doing some blog reading and Christmas music listening. 

Have a wonderful Tuesday!


  1. oh now i'm dying to try that tomato soup (you're right-- perfect combo for a rainy day), and no safeway... BOO! guess i'll have to make do with campbell's...

  2. Hey Linds! This made me miss you! Wish I had been hanging out with you, enjoying the rain, and especially the Safeway soup (my favorite too!) and of course the grilled cheese, which as you know, is my specialty. Sigh.

  3. yay! I won!! :) I never won a blog giveaway before!! :) Thank you!

  4. I'm a sucker for tomato soup. Yum-ola!

  5. and THAT is the best tomato soup evah! we just bought the organic tomato and I will let you know how that is. :)gina


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