oh baby:: 14 weeks!

Not much new to report this week. We're finally in the second trimester-- woohoo! I honestly feel like it's gone by pretty quickly, though I was sure that it would drag on. I'm feeling good this week, which is a blessing because I've been able to keep up with shop orders, getting the new blog set up and taking care of my sick husband. Speaking of that handsome man, I thought I'd share the story about how I told Chris about the baby.

I never expected I'd have to come up with a cute way to tell him we were pregnant. We had always taken tests together in the past and just planned to find out together. But after many negative tests and both of us being disappointed, I was hesitant to let on my suspicions about being pregnant this time. So on Monday, December 12, after a weekend of unexplained queasiness, I waited until Chris left for work to go take a test. I wasn't trying to be sneaky, but I didn't want to look dumb or disappoint us both if we took the test together and it was negative again.

I told you here about how I saw the 2 lines and fell to the floor sobbing, raising my hands in praise. There will never be anything like seeing those 2 lines for the very first time after so much waiting and heartache. After a little while of wandering the house, praying and shaking my head in disbelief, I began to think about how I'd tell Chris.

I headed to Babys R' Us and Walmart and gathered some supplies. It was hard not to shout to the world "We're having a baaaaaaby!!" as the cashier rang up some tiny white onesies for me.

Of anything in the whole world, Chris would be most ecstatic if our kid is a pro-surfer. As soon as he/she can hold his/her breath, I know Chris will be tossing him/her into the waves. So I made this onesie for him...

 I wrapped it up and waited not patiently-at-all for him to get home from work. I actually texted him and told him to hurry his butt home. As soon as he walked in the door, I told him I had something for him and as he opened the little package, he was first confused, and asked me "Is this a joke??" I guess he was in as much disbelief as I was. When he really got it and I said "I'm pregnant!!", he jumped on me and gave me the biggest hug. Oh gosh, it makes me smile so big just thinking about it. 

That onesie sits on our dresser now and it reminds me every day of God's goodness. We continue to thank God for this sweet blessing and that He would keep our baby safe and growing strong. I've heard from so many of you that you pray for us and I can't tell you enough how thankful we are for those prayers! 



  1. So sweet, Lindsay!! I'm ecstatic for you and your hubby, and you look fabulous!!


  2. So cute!! Baby will look adorable in it!

    And I cried the same way when I saw "pregnant" on my test after 3 yrs. of trying. I too, waited until hubby went to work and lied to him that I wouldn't take the test for a few more days.
    Since we waited 3 yrs. for this to happen, I already had my plan on how to tell him in my head. I sent him on a scavenger hunt through our house to find me with a sign and blue and pink balloons in our bedroom. He also asked "seriously?" when he read the sign even though it read "You are going to be a Daddy!" lol

  3. that is so adorable Lindsay! such a cute and clever way to let him know he's gonna be a daddy :) xo

  4. SO sweet! I love how you told him. :)

  5. I love it. And that is definitely a baby belly, not pizza or bacon. BTW, have you seen jack in the box's new bacon commercial where the guy marries bacon? Saw it last night and thought of you Haha!

    1. haha, no I haven't seen that one yet! Don't get me started thinking about bacon, Carly-- I'm trying to eat healthier this week! ;)

  6. OMG you are soo creative! i LOOOVE that onesie!! you should sell those in your shop, ehh??? or start a new line of painted onesies!! am i on to something or what linds!?!? i'd buy one for little A!!!!!! :D

  7. You are the cutest ever pregnant lady. :) Congratulations. The 2nd semester is the best!


  8. You look so cute!! Love how your told your hubby the news!! Good job not spilling the beans.....when we found out we were expecting my husband totally guessed...I think my face gave it away? LOL

    1. Ha, too funny! Since we were told we weren't likely to conceive on our own w/o drugs, it was definitely not expected, so I don't think Chris even thought it was possible! ;)

    2. For sure! God is good!!

  9. What a cute story! Thanks for sharing with us. That onesie is adorable! Maybe a new line of products for you to work on? =)

    1. Ha, thanks Monica! :) Eh, I think I'll leave the onesie business to the pros. ;) Sometimes it's nice to be creative just to be creative!

  10. unbelievable! where is time going? you look adorbs, friend.

  11. awww this made me cry! :-) im so excited for you

  12. Lindsay, I got chills reading this post. There is nothing more beautiful than a new life and a preggo mom!!
    So very happy for you. That onesie is adorable!
    :) Anna

  13. That is so sweet and you look so cute! xxx

  14. This made me seriously tear up! What a sweet post :)

  15. you are glowing!!! he/she is so lucky to have you as a mommy! Congrats my dear! I didnt have much morning sickness either so maybe you'll having a girl ;)

    1. oh girl, I had LOTS of nausea. Couldn't eat much from about 7 weeks- 13 weeks! But feeling much better now! Who knows-- we find out boy/girl in March! :)

  16. Such a sweet story! Mine is so similar when I found out about Izaak. I fell to the floor crying and screaming (the cats didn't quite know what to think. They were in the bathroom with me at the time. LOL). I also went shopping but just bought onesies that said something about daddy, waited until he got home and made him open the bag. But he didn't jump on me hugging me. He was like, "How do you know?" Ummm I took a test. And then he was upset that I didn't take it with him. LOL. So I like Chris's reaction much better! I'm SO happy for you guys!

  17. Oh my gracious, Lindsay! That's the most precious little onsie I've ever seen! You should start decorating THOSE and add them to your shop! Of course, your paintings are incredible and your shop is not lacking, so you could just stick with making your own baby onsies and that would be okay too :)

  18. this is so special, that onesie is so so cute. you will treasure these posts forever and so will your sweet new baby

  19. that is just about the cutest story...well...EVER! loves it!

  20. Oh my goodness, that is the cutest pregnancy reveal ever!! Praise God, I'm still just so happy for you!! I can't wait to see how your life unfolds as a mommy :)

  21. You guys are adorable!

    You are looking good mama! Just wait until that baby starts moving, one of the most incredible things ever is to feel your baby wiggling in your belly!

  22. What an adorable story! Cute onesie too. So happy for you both.

  23. you have me in tears! I love your story of telling Chris- it beings me back to that first positive test with our first child! You are going to love more than you ever know you could!

  24. This post made me smile! Could you be any cuter? Keep us updated. :)

  25. I LOVE how you told Chris. It's a sweet, personal story without being totally overdone. Ah I am so excited for you both!

  26. this is so sweet! and you are so artistic, my friend. the onesie is presh. i can't believe you whipped that up in an afternoon!

  27. so sweet! love this post :) i also told my husband with a baby onesie-- but it was of the san diego chargers, of course :) we are just one week apart, congrats!!!!

  28. you look soooo cute! love the new look of the blog and shop! it is so you - colorful and fun! i'm a so glad you are feeling better, the second trimester is amazing. =) lots of love being sent your's and Chris's way!

  29. I know I told you on twitter that this made me tear up... did again when I reread it. God is so good!

    I remember when I was pregnant with my son thinking that it was so weird to have a baby growing in me. Some days I still look at him and can't believe that he was once inside of me and that he was once so tiny! I think its one of those things that I will always think about and think how crazy, but good it was!

    Prayers for you!

  30. So so sweet!!! I have tears :) happy excited for you tears of course :)

  31. I'm so elated for you! such a sweet way to tell him too, God is good and I'm starting my journey with Him now, I'm praying everyday for you!:) So glad you're so healthy and happy!:) Keep us updated, i read every post about you and this baby!:) you are so loved in this blogging world!~

  32. Lindsay I was so happy to read the news that you and Chris were expecting a child. I can already picture you with the little one painting your lives away. And that about cute painting shirt made by mommy :)

  33. Ahhh you & baby bump are precious! And the way you told Chris about baby W is priceless!

  34. Oh my gosh this story made me cry! I hope one day I can do the same thing for my fiance, when we find out we're pregnant! I'm praying for you two! Everything will work out fine, it's in God's hands. :) Congrats and I couldnt be happier for you two! :)

    Ps. I love your outfit in that picture!

  35. I read this on my lunch break in Starbucks and cried... so thanks for that...
    But really, so happy for you! What a blessing! And what an adorable way to let your husband know!

  36. aww that is SO adorable! what a clever way to share the news. :) So happy for you and glad you're feeling well!


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