it's the little things:: stripey straws & acting like a kid

Little things for the week:: 

a happy arrangement of striped straws on the coffee table

coloring pictures for the neighborhood kids (and feeling like kids ourselves)

talking about baby names & eagerly awaiting our gender reveal! 

popping packaging from my latest shipment of canvases

not pictured:: 

listening to the pouring rain outside 

buying new bras and finally getting the right size (for now!!). Ah, relief. 

a three day weekend up ahead! 

I designed a new button for the Little Things linkup. I'd love if you'd share it on your sidebar, or at least in your little things posts! Snag one below or on my right sidebar.

Hello Hue Little Things

party rules.

1. Only link to your specific blog post, not to your blog's main page. See here for more explanation. 

2. Grab a button and/or include a link back to this post so your readers can come see what the fun is all about! You can find the code for the button on the sidebar or on the "little things" page.

3. Make sure you visit (and comment) on other posts linked up-- what fun is a party if no one talks to each other? Make some new friends! 

4. I reserve the right to kick you out of the party if you aren't playing nice-- so make sure your post is relevant to this party and is actually a "little things" post (ie. no giveaways, random posts from last month, etc.).


  1. Two of my favorite joys in life are colorful, striped straws and underwear that fits!!

  2. I've added my link- because this is such a great idea! But didn't link specifically to my post; I assumed it was some sort of sign-up before giving the link. Apologies. I've tried to delete but can't find a way too! Sorry!

    fantastic idea, though!

    1. I'll delete your link, Kelli. Go ahead and add your permalink! :) (Instructions in the post above if you need them!) Thanks for linking up with me!

  3. Stripey straws are so fun!! And I love listening to the rain!
    I got some sort of error when I tried to link up, but the link went through, just not a thumbnail picture. :( Oh well.

  4. Picking out baby names is sooo much fun!
    Good luck!
    I'm about to add your new button into my side bar. =)
    It's so pretty. ;)

  5. Love the colours of those pretty straws! will have to link up one day :)

  6. Love love love this! I can't wait to participate :)

  7. baby names!! one of my friends has been struggling to choose a name for their baby girl so i'm on the lookout for suggestions :-) do you guys have a list of names you like for both genders? so much fun!

    i've been meaning to ask you - what is your blog width set at? i have a netbook and your pictures & sidebar ads are always cut off for me :-(

  8. Mmm if I had done with I totally would have added the delicious taste of soft, buttery croissants. Yum.

  9. Hi I am a new follower and LOVE your blog! This post was absolutely beautiful!!

  10. The stripey straws make me happy :)
    Love ya girl!

  11. I've been following your blog for several months now, and finally got the courage to link up with the little things! I love reading about how others are finding the simple blessings that God puts in our life everyday if we are thankful enough to notice them. I also appreciate your posts about embracing "home" no matter where you are. My husband (since June!) and I are living and teaching in Indonesia (we're from Oregon) so I can relate! I can always expect to read something encouraging and authentic on your blog, so thanks! :)

  12. Oh my gosh....finding a bra that fits the new pregnancy body is the best blessing ever!!! lol! Glad you found one. And personally, if you have a girl...the name Sarah is awesome. ;-) hee hee!

  13. Those are fantastic little fantastic that they are almost big things. ;) Love them!

  14. So fun to pick out baby names! We had picked way more girls names than boys, and lo and behold we ended up having a boy! :)

  15. what a great idea! can't wait:) and i'm a super fan of the straws

  16. absolutely beautiful! the colors are stunning.


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