oh baby:: 13 weeks!

Since I turn 13 weeks on Mondays, and today is Friday, I only have a few more days left in my first trimester!

 Honestly, when we found out that we were pregnant, it seemed like those first few weeks d-r-a-g-g-e-d on. But the past month has flown by, thank the Lord. I'm ready to be in the second trimester. It seems like *fingers crossed* my nausea has left the building, for the most part. Oddly enough though, I kind of miss the nausea. I know that Chris doesn't miss my extreme pickiness at dinner time or superhero sniffing powers, but those things made me feel so pregnant. And now, despite a few headaches, I'm actually feeling pretty good. (This is where the fear kicks in and I worry that my baby is doing alright. Lots of prayer time lately, friends.)

I won't complain though, it really is nice to feel in control of my eating again, even if I eat half a bag of Cheetos in one sitting. 

Looking forward to baby kicks in the next few weeks and having fun planning our gender reveal party in March! We're really excited to find out if we're having a boy or girl, especially since we should be able to get an appointment the week of my birthday-- which will make it extra special! Can't wait to get to know our sweet babe more and more! 



  1. You are a beautiful Momma! So excited that your almost into the second trimester. It's a fun one! :)

  2. ADORABLE!!! I craved cheetos with my 2nd...I'm pretty sure my fingers are permanently stained orange from that experience ;) Hope the headaches go away...no fun!!!

  3. at first I thought it was disgusting that you were making cheeto & mango smoothies & then I realized those were TWO cravings...at least I hope so! ;)

  4. how exciting! Your baby bump is adorable! Glad the nausea has subsided!! :D :D xoxoxo

  5. Looking beautiful lady, so glad you've gotten over the nausea!

  6. Lindsey, it's so wonderful to see how excited you are, I couldn't be happier for you. I love the print on your dress...I've been very drab fab lately, lots of grey, cream and black. You make me want to step it up color wise (this is Hawaii after all!).

    Happy Aloha Friday!

  7. yay congratulations!!!! I've been away from blogger for a while so i'm behind on the great news :)

  8. i wanna rub your little belly - i can really see it now! so cute! you look fabulous, friend!

  9. Yaaay for getting out of the first tri! :) looking adorable Lindsay.

  10. The kicks are fun at first, but wait until he/she starts doing summer saults on your bladder! lol My little girl has been climbing up into my rib cage lately causing all kinds of weird pressure. Its very cool though.

  11. Aww, I love these. And I'm so so glad your nausea is subsiding!! Don't worry, pretty soon your voracious appetite will almost definitely assure you that the baby is juuust fiiiine ;)

  12. Oh girl, you will definitely feel pregnant again... especially at the end! =)
    I definitely look forward to not feeling so sick or throwing up and hopefully having more energy in the second trimester!
    Prayers for you!

  13. This is wonderful! I'm so happy for you! :) Be careful w/ eating mango, though. :)

  14. Wow! Just read this big news! Congrats to you & your hubby! This is so exciting!!

  15. Congrats from www.myoverflowingheart.blogspot.com !!! :D

  16. Oh my gosh you are adorable!! and that dress is sooooo cute! Where did you get it? Oh and of course congratulations!! Being a mommy is the best thing in the entire world!


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